Monday, March 30, 2009

Elegance Cool Theme for Dinner

Hi peeps,

Erna was asking me thru YM and need suggestion for her office dinner... theme dia "Cool Elegance".. So, first time I dengar theme mcm nie.. but, most of all, style elegant should be something like apa yg I dpt nie.. If I were u Erna, I akan pakai something mcm nie la..But, since u're wearing tudung, nnt pandai2 match kan with ur tudung wokeh!

Pic 1 : Try cari coat with big stylish button mcm nie.. + full accessories dengan oversized handbag dengan snakeskin embossed... Something brown would be nice ..oh ya.. dun forget ur 3 inch heels! Tudung, match dengan color bag n heels! (taupe/brown)

Pic 2 : if tak nak something with coat, try to find stylish tunic like this... three quarter length sleeves, and narrow cuffs... + with big belt to have chic looks.. stretch denim with vintage look... full accesoories, oversized snake-skin embossed handbag with short handles.. And ur 3 inch heels!

Pic 3 : Comfortable knit with diagonal stripes! Match with wide-cut legs trousers..!
Pics credit to here.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Trip to Singapore - cancelled. (approved by Husband..benciik!)

Tonite, balik kampung husband - confirmed (yg nie aku sukaaaa..maybe sbb aku takde kampung!)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I've already found my BPA-Free bottles! ~Updated~


At last, I've already found someone yg boleh belikan my Avent BPA-Free bottles nie! Even mahal sket dr Avent yg biasa, at least safety first!

But, Mazliana pegi tunjuk something which caught my eyes la... ishhh...

It's here

Arrghhh..comel jer.. tapi nnt, takkan nak order teats semata2 kat UK kot...mmm, geram! It's closer to nature, BPA-free, super sensitive anti-colic valve...perfect!

p/s - Kenapa I suka addicted pd baby stuff yg bukan2... husband dah geleng2 kepala.. am I normal or crazy?

P/s - i surf, surf website, skrg I dah tahu kat Malaysia pun ada Tommee Tippie.. thinking to use this one la rather than Avent...

Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm so in love with this...

I was looking for chic and trendy diaper bag.. hihihi...

And I'm so in love with this :

See...letak sume brg dlm nie.... all looks so perfect to me!

I'm in love with this color! But, I don't know is it a boy or a girl kan.... Tapi blue ok jer for girl or boy... betul ker?

So, to be safe, baik choose this one.. lining jer color pink.. so, oklah kot...

The diaper bag nie, semua from JP Lizzy!

And below from Reese Li!

Sweet jer bila hang kat stroller! Hik Hik... But, to have all these, I need to spend around RM500 just for diaper bags! Huh, bila pikir, rasa gedix sungguh semua nie... Ish!

Pics taken from JP Lizzie and Reese Li's website.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Setelah berbulan lamanya...

Dr City ke Vios ke keta tue keta nie, pastu decide color dr silver ke black ke white ke black ke white... susah betul nak buat keputusan... finally, it's here....

BPA-Free bottles?

Hi moms out there.. I just want to ask, have u ever heard about BPA-Free bottles?

I was thinking which bottle that I'm gonna use for the baby... and recommended by frens, semua pilih Avent. But, I noticed semua bottles from Avent yg ada kat kedai around Malaysia nie, it is not BPA-Free bottles? Penting sgt ke BPA-Free bottles nie? Till I end up what is the real meaning of BPA.

You can check it out here.

So, kira2nya penting jugalah for baby health safety. But, kat Malaysia nie, Avent BPA-Free bottles nie belum ada lagi except for online shopping when I suddenly drop here. Tapi kena buat pre-order... baru jer nak order, pre-order pun dah close... ceh... or anyone here tahu mana lagi boleh dpt? Or I need to check it out at Singapore (but husband tgh pikir2 for our trip to Singapore becoz masalah pengsan saya baru2 ini... dia risau itu dan ini....dengar mcm tak jadi jer...)

Product description for Avent BPA-Free bottles :

The Philips AVENT 9oz Natural Feeding Bottle comes in natural and gold color is clinically proven to reduce colic. It has an anti-colic valve that not only reduces colic for less air in baby's tummy, but also works with baby's natural feeding action so your baby controls milk flow, which can help reduce overeating and spit up. The soft, naturally shaped nipple promotes proper latch-on and makes it easier to combine breast and bottle feeding. This bottle is made from Polyether Sulphone (PES) - a BPA Free material with a natural golden-colored tint. All AVENT Nipples and Spouts can be used with the AVENT Bottle, Magic and Via cup.

Taken from here.

Kiranya the product description nie, seems to be BOTOL SUSU YG PALING OK bg saya... anti-colic nie pun penting juga.. B4 nie, I was thinking nak guna Dr.Brown's punya bottle.. tapi Dr.Brown's takde breast pump.. so, nnt mcm susah jer kan... besides, sterilizer dia pun hanya microwave sterilizer... so, kalau nak bawak travel mana2, jenuh pulak cari microwave.

And 1 more questions, kalau beli sterilizer nie, still can fit with Avent BPA-Free bottles tue kan? Anyone here knows? (I think my blog nie penuh dengan bakal pengantin jer..manalah ibu2 nie pegi...hihihihi...)

Oh ya... any suggestion for breast pump? Since, this is my first time nak jadi ibu, I need banyak advice pasal nie.. manual or electronic breast pump? Plz advice.....

Pics taken from here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Since, now nie tgh sale dan juga trip to Singapore would be on end of this month (kalau jadi la...), so, I need suggestion pasal strollers nie.. At the momment, yg aku suka + within our budget was these two strollers...

1) Peg-Perego pliko P3

I think this was nice.. husband pun suka.. design pun simple..coz aku tak suka roda yg besar.. light2 mcm nie pun dah comel.. yg penting taklah berat sgt nak mengangkutnya... dan boleh buka dengan 1 tangan jer.. serta color merah yg arrogant (hahhaha) serta black yg misterious.. juga color yg sesuai tak kisahlah for boy aau girl....

2) Silver Cross Dazzle

Pics : Marcia Cross with Silver cross stroller... cute!

Arrghhh.. tgk silver Cross nie rasa jatuh cinta pandang pertama.. Price almost the same with peg but design dia sgt minimalis...

Pics : Design kat dlm stroller
Serius sgt simple, futuristik sgt... dan korang kena tgk secara live la..

But one thing pasal nie, husband tak suka... sbb dia kata.., "simplenya...". But less is more la....
Anyone here can share any brands yg bagus... based on ur own experience ker.. I really need and welcome any suggestion....

Monday, March 16, 2009

Not feeling well...

I guess, minggu lepas adalah minggu yg memenatkan... :(
Dengan kotak yg sampai lambat and I need to push myself utk siapkan favor my fren tue, so rasanya badan nie tak cukup rehat...

Well, pg tadi masa nak bangun pegi keja, pergi toilet dulu mcm biasa... but tetiba kepala rasa berat.. and guess what? Aku pengsan dlm toilet...

Tak sedar mcm mana boleh pengsan...bangun2 jer, aku tgk aku dah terbaring kat dlm toilet... pastu aku bangun tapi serius tak ingat bila aku jatuh...Kepala aku benjol pastu kat bahagian tengkuk rasa sakit sgt....

Aku bangun, kejutkan husband... dia pun terkejut la.. apa lagi, semua di check nya..

Aku gi klinik... Doc kata, takde apa.. blood pressure normal.. maybe aku tak cukup oxygen ... cuma nadi aku laju sgt...

Mmm, Alhamdulillah takde apa.. but I cried on the way nak gi klinik tue sbb takut something bad happen to my baby... masa tue mcm2 yg I fikir if terjadi apa2... I guess I was soo afraid!

Well, bila pikir2 balik.. kelakar pun ada.. sbb sampai sekarang if ingat balik, banyak kali tanya diri sendiri..cmna aku boleh tersadai kat dlm toilet tue? Ish...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

People sabotage ur own wedding? what do u feel?

Apakah perasaan anda jika org mensabotaj wedding anda? Marah? Sedih? Keji?
Aha, it happen to me.. not for my own wedding but my best fren wedding ya...
My fren dah beria2 suruh i buat wedding favor dia... So I guess, why not? I pun order la a cute box kat sorang supplier di Subang Jaya for my fren's wedding nie kan... for 850 cute boxes... Mula2 I suruh dia hantar 2 weeks before event.. the event will be held tomorrow (15th March). So, dia kata no prob... but, sampai waktu yg dijanjikan, the boxes still not here... I sms dia, but no reply till 2 hari pastu baru dia reply... and it sound like this :
"Sorry.Kotak yg u order tue dah siap. but during delivery, kotak2 basah terkena hujan. Skrg I tgh pilih yg mana tak rosak and will deliver to u mana yg ok dulu"
So, i rasa oklah kot... i pun tggu la dia deliver mana yg ok but tak sampai2 jugak setelah 2,3 hari penantian... Penantian pun berakhir and I pun sms dia lagi tanya still tak dpt kotak tue... and hope to get the kotak on 7th March...Dia replied;
"Sebenarnya hampir 90% kotak tue basah dan jadi kembang... So, I tgh buat mana yg boleh..I will deliver kotak tue on 7th March.."
So, kita pun ok jela... but during that time, I was busy dgn my sis's engangement... so, kelam kabut kejap dan i pun lupa... on Sunday tue (8th March) after semua majlis dah selesai then I realized that kotak tue, I sms dia lagi...lebih kurang begini bunyinya...
"I minta u hantar kotak tue semalam tapi still tak dpt lagi.. esok dah Monday and wedding is on Saturday.... I nak buat deco lagi utk boxes tue.. mana sempat 850 boxes nak buat deco, smpai skrg still tak dpt kotak tue lagi....Mcm mana nie?"
But, no sms report delivered... Meaning that, dia off hp! Well, i call.. but betullah, hp dia OFF!
Sepanjang Ahad malam dan Isnin tue, I call la, I sms la.. call lagi, sms lagi... call lagi, sms lagi... tapi tetap OFF! Ok, nie mmg buat I hilang sabar ok... So, I sms dia lagi... Camnie bunyinya;
"I can consider kalau u ada problem utk deliver kotak2 tue pd I.. but at least, let me know rather than swith off ur phone! U owe me an explanation... kalau boleh buat, bgtahu.. kalau tak boleh bgtahu.. at least I boleh buat back up plan...cari alternative lain... mana sempat dah nie.. i tak kira... I nak jugak kotak tue by tomorrow if not, I nak cancel and plz return back my RM400 deposit tue!"
But, silent n silent till Selasa tghari tue, dia sms dan ckp camni;
"Mintak maaf banyak2... kotak tue kena buat semula..saya akan hantar org saya utk deliver kotak tue, tghari nie..Saya kena buat balik semua.. dan saya takut tak sempat... baki kotak saya akan hantar esok"
See? Dia ada prob dan I reply camni;
"It's ok klu ada prob but at least plz inform I... I tggu punya tggu... tanpa buat apa2.. wedding tue on Saturday.. so, mana sempat kalau nak buat skrg.. mm, xpela.. hantar jela.. but khamis mesti semua dah ada.."
Then dia pun ok..
Tghari tue, mmg dia hantar kotak.. but ada dlm 200 kotak jer.. So, tanpa mengira kepenatan ibu mengandung, me with husband gigih menyiapkan kotak tue dlm 1 hari n tggu la keesokannya dia nak hantar balance... So, esok pun dia hantar... tapi hanya ada 290 kotak jer... Meaning that setakat ini, ada 490 kotak je yg dia hantar...
Sehingga penulisan blog ini ditulis, penulis tak dapat menghubungi pembuat kotak berkenaan sbb masih off hp sehingga ke hari ini... Hari nie pun dh wedding, giler tak mlm tadi gi cari kotak lain sebanyak 360 lagi utk cukup kan gift berkenaan... So, kesimpulannya penulis berasa malu dengan kawan sendiri... tapi nasibla dia faham..cuba kalau kena kat client tgk... mmg habislah dibuatnya...
Kepada pembuat kotak., lain kali belajarlah cara menghormati customer.. even kalau aku ada masalah pun, tak pernah lari dr customer.. explanations are the best way utk bgtahu kedudukan kita even kita buat secara sengaja atau tak sengaja.. sanggup kau rosakkan wedding org dengan ketamakan ko yg still nak receive order tapi tak boleh buat...
To Zana, my fren... aku minta maaf sbb benda nie jadi pd majlis ko.. thinking to make as perfect as I could utk majlis ko, but org lain senang2 buat mcm nie.. at least, benda nie pun mengajar aku jgn cpt percaya pd org... Takpe ek... hopefully ko happy la dengan balance kotak utk favor ko yg aku cari semalam mcm org giler... skrg aku nak gi siapkan lagi 360 tue.. jap gi ptg aku hantar...
To readers, be careful dgn org mcm nie... Dia ialah Aisram Creative!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Polaroid Camera

Ada sesiapa sini tahu di mana nak sewa polaroid camera? Oh, pasti dtg skali dengan photographer yg tahu guna polaroid camera nie...

Anyone here? Tolong ye kalau sesiapa tahu...


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cuti yg panjang...

I was so happy during my birthday aritue... hik hik...

At first, I thought husband buat2 lupa my birthday kan... tapi suami saya sangat super kool!

Bangun pagi, saya dpt birthday kiss dr husband.. hik hik... well, thanks dear! But, no card or even hadiah, bt bodoh jela.. takkan nak mintak pulak...

Then, nak pergi keja Jumaat tue, tgk dlm handbag ada kad... baca punya baca tetiba terharu pulak.. no need to tell la apa yg dia tulis... simple but touching... pastu kat bawah kad tue, dia lukis gambar kartun baby... hik hik.. rasa mcm comel jer (sape yg comel?)

Then, malam tue, husband yg super kool itu telah bawa saya pergi candle light dinner ..with Bali ambience.. weee... saya suka! Tetiba teringat pulak time honeymoon kat Bali dulu... terus rasa mcm baru kawin... tapi bila pegang perut, terus potong stim anak dara la... hahaha... baru teringat our baby pun ada sama... well, such a simple n great birthday... Thanks husband!

Keesokan harinya, seluruh keluarga sangat busy dengan preparation for my sister's engangement... spt biasa, semuanya buat sendiri... termasuk semua deco yg semestinya fresh flowers... penaaattt! but, it turns well... semuanya dah selamat... can go thru to her blog utk more pics... pics lain2, tggulah photographer dia siap kan gambar2 itu ya...

Theme color was orange peach n pink!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm 26 going on 27!

Tomorrow would be my birthday!

Today is my last day in 26th! Hahahaha...

I feel ssooooo KERTU! Hihihi...

Let's see what husband's reaction... he seems doesn't remember my own birthday... Tak cakap apa pun... senyap jer...!

Pics : iStock photo

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Last weekend...

Last weekend, pergi Ikea sales... nak cari katil baby kan... tapi katil tue takde discount pun... normal price juga... so, tak beli la.. lagipun tak cantik sgt and tak best...

So, tak beli la.. nak gi survey lagi... Husband and I tgh plan2 nak gi Singapore on April nie... nak beli brg baby... tue pun sbb husband kakak ipar I beria2 ckp brg baby kat sana best2... dia kata murah (murah bagi dia la kot sbb dia org sana..agagaa) Murah ker?

Tapi takpe.. ingat nak pergi juga... my fren yg duduk sana pun ckp brg sana best2 n unik2...

Anyone here pernah experienced membeli-belah brg baby kat sana?? plz advice.
