Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Minggu yang penuh dengan dugaan!

Fine, minggu nie sangat banyak dugaan!

I received a lot of order from favor, cookies, candy buffet, hantaran and pelamin. Name it! Kebetulan this week is very full with order. Alhamdulillah...

But guess what? And this week also, my sister has been admitted at PPUH because she has a problem with her pregnancy. Oligo! That's what we called it. I need to settle all the order alone without any help from my sister and my life has been a hectic at the same time I need to babysit Qaira! Subhanallah... penatnya dan peningnya kepala otak ni.. Tuhan jer yang tahu...

And today, paed said, if keadaan pregnacy dia tak mengizinkan, she's been scheduled to c-sec this coming friday. If not, on Monday. But today, she's already dilate 1cm during her 35 weeks of pregnancy! Ok, serious.. i risau and pening.. Dan tambah risau lagi, my dad will perform hajj TOMORROW! All things happen at the same time! Semuanya mendebarkan!

Please pray for us! Will update later.
Till now,

Friday, October 22, 2010

Qaira, it's time for you to stop from ...........................


Yes! I'm in the middle to stop using bottles for Qaira. Based on here, many pediatric professionals recommend that children should not use a bottle after the age of 1. So, I think this is the right time to teach her weaning bottles. 

Samalah macam I, some parents belum bersedia nak stop their toddler from using bottles because of some reason :

  • Sebab parents selalu rasa that their toddler loves bottles so much
  • Some parents tak boleh tahan kalau toddler dorang menangis nak botol balik (ni I lah!)
  • Sebab lagi senang bagi bottle dr cups kan?
  • Some parents don't want their toddler to grow up (ala-ala mcm tak boleh terima kenyataan if anak dorang dah besar..huhuhu)
  • And, someone make parents feel bad about taking the bottle away (Cth; mcm frens ker.. yg kecam habis-habisan kenapa perlu stop bottle at the age of toddler)
Ok fine. Mula-mula masa I nak start, I pun habis pikir.. Qaira nie still small (from my "mom-feeling" perspective). Sedangkan she is a toddler not a baby anymore.  But, if tak start from now, lambat laun Qaira tetap kena berhenti minum susu dari bottles. So, now I'm in the middle to attract Qaira to forget about her bottles. Oh, actually banyak advantage kalau toddler stop from feeding bottles skrg.

  • Botol akan menyebabkan sakit gigi pd toddler kalau their adult teeth dah tumbuh
  • Cause low iron level for the child's blood
  • Hilangkan selera makan sebab asyik nak susu jer
  • Cause overweight
  • Cause ear infections
Ok, now here my tips and how I apply the methods to Qaira supaya dia slow-slow boleh lupakan bottle dia yg comel tue! (Oh! I missed my baby already)
  • First, I changed flavor of her milk. I beli 2.. 1 yg biasa dia minum.. yang 1 lagi perisa chocolate. Selalu bangun tidur, Qaira akan breakfast. Then after 1 hour, she will ask for her milk. So, this time, I buatkan dia susu chocolate tue dalam sipcups (Oh, before that, u all kena introduce dulu sipcups pd ur toddler. For us, I introduce Qaira minum susu dalam botol. Minum plain water and air sedap like ribena etc, dalam sipcups. So, dia dah tahu. Kalau dalam sipcups tu ialah air lain selain dr susu). Ok, I bancuh chocolate milk dalam sipcups dia when she ask for milk. Dia minum. Dia sukalah. Sebab chocolate kan sedap. Then, Qaira akan tidur tengahari. Dia dah kenyang. Bila I bagi dia susu, she refused. So, kita dah skip 1 kali tanpa botol!
  • Bila Qaira bangun tido, dia akan makan tengahari plak. After 1-2 hours later, dia akan minta susu lagi. And this time, try to give her milk or chocolate milk dlaam sipcups lagi. Actually, nak ajar dorang biar gradually. Step by step. Jangan push tak bagi langsung dalam botol. But, waktu siang adalah waktu terbaik sebab their focus adalah bermain rather than minum susu. So, time ni la untuk lupakan dorang pasal botol tue.
  • Let say, dorang tetap mintak susu, cuba cairkan susu tue.. Put less milk. So dorang rasa tak sedap. At the same time approach dorang yg minum dalam sipcups lagi sedap dari dalam bottle. So, bila dia rasa susu dalam bottle tak sedap, dia akan beralih minum pada sipcups. For us, tak kisahlah asalkan dia kenyang dari tak minum langsung kan. Nie, kena sabar and memanglah time nie susu akan rugi sebab nak train dorang kena sabar.
  •  Qaira jenis bangun malam at least sekali for susu. So, this time, bagi jugak susu dalam botol. Tapi tetapkan less kan milk tue. Yang paling bagus, ajar dorang minum susu dalam sipcups before tidur. So, tengah malam dia takkan bangun lagi. And try to play with them sampai dorang betul-betul rasa penat and mengantuk Chances untuk dorang bangun malam, dah reduce sebab penat sangat terus tidur sampai esok pagi.
Ok, at the moment nie step yang I apply to Qaira. Kena banyak bersabar and as a parents, u all tahu apa yg anak u all suka kan.. dari situ, guna skills u all sendiri untuk tarik perhatian dia untuk lupakan pasal bottle tue. Kalau boleh, bottle tu pun kena sorok. Sebab they know once they see the bottles, it is for milk time. And  give lots of hug, kiss, love and special attention to them. Selalu remind them what a "big girl" or a "big boy" he or she is. And don't back down! 

Time jalan-jalan, always bring her sipcups. Mesti selalu train them! Lama- lama dah terbiasa. And boleh jugak bagi biscuits to them. So that, they will forget nak minum susu dalam botol!

If selalu kita bagi susu kat dorang, kita hug dorang kan.. Do the same things kalau dorang minum thru sipcups jugak. Maknanya biar dia duduk atas riba kita and kita hug dia. So, dorang takkan rasa banyak sangat perubahan besar yang berlaku. Meaning that, kena manja-manja jugaklah ok!

Kalau selalu bawak dorang main-main camni pun can help them to think about their bottle!
I hope apa yang I buat nie berjaya. Sebab one, two step I dah boleh tengok perubahan Qaira. So, let's try parents!

Till now,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Now, let's go for holiday!

Yeay! At last setelah berapa banyak kali tertangguh dan semua trip holiday tak menjadi gara-gara Qaira takde passport, at last  terlaksana jua si Qaira Jasmine punya passport siap!

Gambar ni dah 3 kali snap. 1st snap, dia gi nganga mulut..2nd snap, nak pegang kamera photographer tue, 3rd snap dapat pegang toys, jadi camni plak! Hidung lesek, mata besar, bibir tebal! Agagagagaga!

Hiks! Mood, happy! Pasni, bolehlah ke mana jua..agagaga.. trip tertangguh boleh cepat dilaksanakan! I buat dekat Wangsa Maju jer..tak sampai sejam dah siap.

Untuk kanak-kanak bawah 12 tahun hanya RM150 untuk 5 tahun valid. Those yang nak buat for kids kan, hanya perlu bawak gambar 2 keping, surat beranak, salinan surat beranak, and IC parents..between one la.. That's all...!

Till now,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wanna see more about macarons design?

Ok, fine. Lagi citer pasal Macarons. Before that, jangan nangis ek kalau tengok macarons yang cantik giler nih! Hasil sentuhan Sweet Merveilles.

 Usually tengok macarons without any design on the tops of the macaron shell kan? Now, Tadaaaa! Creative kan?

 Bukan tue jer, macarons as a part of hantaran... Ha, dah jadi mcm cupcakes design!

 Some of the sample!

 And also, this is what I have for MG! Macarons as a doorgift! So far, mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan!

 Really nice kan? With the combination colors!

 See? Jangan nangis dulu... Ada macam-macam design lagi!

 Pack as doorgift dalam kotak pulak!

 And tadaaaa! Kecomelannya macaron terserlah with icing on the tops of macaron shell!

 Name it!

Macarons lollies! We have this in MG! But without any design like this! So, kena cuba with the design! I like!

Heart shape macarons anyone??

Aha, I'm sure macarons kek is not popular yet in Malaysia! But they do have in Singapore!!! Cake cutting ceremony dah jadi macarons cutting ceremony! But, tak boleh nak potong-potong! Bukak kotak and ..."NGAPPPP!"

3 tier of macarons with flower design! So sofisticated!

Oh! Warna lavender yang menyentuh kalbu! Nice combination of colors! I like!

And macarons as a deco for wedding cake!

Aha, cmna? Cravings apa pulak pasni? Jangan sampai muntah darah makan macarons jer! Habis husband-husband u all kena kerah dok cari macarons! hahahaha..  Malangnya, Sweet Merveilles ni is from Singapore!!!! I tak pernah nampak lagilah rakyat Malaysia yang membuat macarons mcm nie.. And I bet, with this entry, mesti ramai orang nak try deco macarons like this! At Sweet Merveilles, 1 pc of simple macaron (without any deco) is $1.85 per pc! Lebih kurang RM4.10! Tu yg kosong jer yer.. Belum lagi ada flower2 dalam hati ada taman... But, I think it is worth it! Dengan tenaga, artwork and kesabaran membuat macarons! It is not like cuppies!

Kan? Jom, mimpi macarons lagi!

Till now,

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's on Macarons?

I was so in love with Macarons. Masa mula-mula tengok jer, terus dah suka even tak tahulah sedap ke tak. Nasib tak pregnant, kalau tak mengidam macarons. Now, everyone talk about Macarons. I've been seen macarons dlm Oprah.. I think 2 years back and pray, bilalah Macarons nak ada kat Malaysia nie? And within this year barulah I nampak macarons in Malaysia. Nak kata org lain dah lama know about macarons. Especially those yg suka travel. Of course la, mak nie mana penah travel Europe. Nak pegi asyik tak jadi. Kesudahannya, macarons Malaysia jela yang I bedal. But, it's ok. 

Tapi takpe. Macarons made in Malaysia pun, Macarons jugak. Don't know how the taste in Europe sana.. But I'm sure kalau tengok recipe takkan lari sangat taste dia. It is made from almond flour.. Kalau nak tengok ingredients dia, simple je. Takdelah bahan import apa pelbagai yang nak diimport from Parisss.. kan? But, some of them guna almond yang dikisar. I think this is the reason why it is expensive. Just imagine, 100grams of almond kisar tue, boleh buat 6 shells of macarons. Bersamaan dengan 3 biji macarons lah! Tak ke mahal! And bukan itu saje.. It;s quite tricky to make a perfect macarons tau! Especially for the colors.. Ingat senang? Hahaha.. tak percaya, u all boleh cuba.. Susah! Hish, for me macarons is expensive. Kalau dekat Whisk yg kat Empire Gallery tue tak best! RM2 for a bite size.. tak feel lah! Hiks!

But, some of them cakap macarons ni sedap. Ada jugak yang cakap tak sedap. Ada yang kata bolehlah... Kalau bagi kat orang tua yang ada penyakit kencing manis, haruslah macarons tu dia baling balik kat dinding! But for me, SEDAP! It;s sweet.. Tapi tak boleh makan banyaklah. Kalau makan 2 biji tue pun dah kira banyak. And yang paling unique, texture macarons nie. Hard outside and soft inside. Bila dapat one bite jer, arghh yummy..

Eh, nape cakap pasal Macarons nieh? Sebabnya, all my clients tanya, "Kenapa mahal sgt ek?"

And this is the reason why!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Marshmallow Pops!

Kebelakangan nie, I have nothing to update as my life is a hectic one! Hishhh... Sian Qaira tak bersosial. Tapi takpe, semalam dah bawak gi Kidz Sport dah happy senyum melebar tak mo balik! Hihihi...

Aha, another idea from MG, Marshmallow Pops! Anyone interested? Yummy i tell u!

E-mail us

Till now,

Monday, October 11, 2010

My new product! **UPDATED**

This is what I've made recently. It is something that I think and create and the outcomes? As good as I've expected! Cantik ke? Huhuhuhu?

Nie contoh jer... I tried to personalised my client's engagement last week and it turns awesome! It is something new and I rasa satisfied that I managed to do all this!

Oh! Bukan itu saja. I personalised the chocolate wrapper as well. Yang I tgk org lain buat chocolate wrapper, sooooo blahhh... hahaha.. pada pandangan saya lah yer... maybe yg cantik di mata saya masih belum jumpa.. Huhuhuhu.. pandangan orang lain, I tak tahu.. 

Items below sangat sesuai for favor or something yang kita boleh letak atas dessert table or candy buffet! Boleh tukarlah letak candy ker, marshmallow ker... apa-apa lah...

Andddd.... this is a candy buffet yang I managed to set up yesterday at Juempa D'Ramo, Bangsar! I just love the outcome!
I've changed the chocolate bar wrapper... paste the personalised tag on the lolipop candies, design the cuppies to suit the theme, jellybeans based on the theme color (yang selalu dorang guna colourful jellybeans... tak best.. sbb kat Tesco pun ada jual..hehehe) and 'Candy Buffet' mini board...Oh tak lupa juga, I personalised the paperbag for the guest to bring home the treats! Click image for larger view. Nanti next entry I close up satu-satu. Mmm, another hectic weekend tapi sangat berpuas hati!


Ok, mood tengah rajin, i update the story ya!

Personalised paper bag!

And lanterns and balloons as a part of deco!

Dan juga..................

Personalised candy for centrepieces! Hihihihi... Selalu dah borink with fresh flowers, gantikan candy as a centrepieces.. Even, it is for engagement, i personalised the tag and paste kat lollipop tue.. 

And, i really love the outcome! First time buat and loving it! Hiks!

Till now,

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

GAP Pajamas?

When everyone is busy membeli the GAP Pajamas, tapi Qaira lebih prefer pakai.......................










Taadaaaaaaa... Caftan u all....

"Lagi 'in' kan Mama!". 


I'm a fan of Gap Pajamas. It's cute on baby! But, masa nak raya tue tengah-tengah shopping, I saw this and I bought one for her! So cute la!

Qaira during Raya!


Lamanya tak update! Bisnes is growing..Alhamdulillah... Every weekend, I have a job to settle.. So, raya pun tak dapat nak join any open house! Sob Sob ;(

Untuk yang tunggu quotation for birthday party tue, hope bersabar ya! I will reply your e-mail one by one. And another 4 order untuk disiapkan, pun harap bersabar! Huhuhu... And so many birthday and wedding favor menunggu untuk di siapkan! My blog nie dah huru hara without any update! Pun sedih!

And, so here we goes. I need to update this! It's Qaira second raya! Kali nie dia dah pandai compared to last year! Bawa Qaira beraya is a hectic but really fun nak layan kerenah dia! Huhuhu.. I'm blessed!

So, just enjoy da piccas!

Early morning.. waiting for eberyone balik dari sembahyang raya! The cheapest toys I bought for Qaira and guess what? Inilah yang dia paling suka! Hahahaha...

Another toys for her! Suka sangat!

With Atok!

When we said, "Jom!" dia cepat-cepat cari kasut!

Hahaha.. muka boring!

Berehat sebentar!

Inilah yang dia buat if everyone tak focus on her!

Good girl!

Dia bukan paham pun dapat duit raya.... yang dia tahu buang..pastu Mama and Abah la yang tolong kutip!

Play by her own...ciannya!

Tido time!!

Till now,