Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nikah Outfit

Hanie mintak pendapat utk akad nikah outfit dia.. So, dia bgtahu yg kain dia lace. My suggestion would be the design by Rizalman... so, Hanie...here's the idea... For me, less is more.. Why don't u buat baju u from lace mcm gambar atas nie.. if u tak prefer kebaya, make it as kurung moden pendek.. dan kain from bridal satin... simple n very exclusive rather thank buat semua satu suit from up to toe dgn lace.. sbb this one for akad nikah je kan...? so, kalau boleh tak payah berat2 sgt dgn lacey2 here n there... Kalau tak nak corset, buat lining...wokeh?

Then, idea ke-2 nie plak..kain lace and perhaps the top boleh cari kain from organza.. still look very simple n yet nmpak sgt exclusive.... If u nak tgk cth lain, go here.


  1. Ouh amie...engkaulah sumber inspirasiku :D.

    Really like the 1st concept. Utk kain and lining, memang dah ade satinnya. Cuma design tatau nak buat apa je lagi :D. Akan digodek link tu sampai jumpe yg berkenan. Erm yours baju kurung kan?

    thanks tau :D

  2. WuuUUuu!! Weddings!! I LOVE weddings!! Masa I nikah pun pakai lace jugak, tapi sebab takmo tok kadi pengsan, I taruk lining lah, sopan sket.. hehehe.. kain dia I pakai songket instead of lace. Ade la uniqueness sikit, takde la lace memanjang :D

    then I used some of the lace from the baju to make part of my selendang..

    you can check it out here http://liyanaznil.blogspot.com/2008/05/nite-of-nikah.html

    :D saje nak share, ehehehe, best kawen-kawen nih

  3. cantek!!....nice job la sis...ehehheh!!..sronok wed prep nih kan?

  4. me to hanie : anything about wedding, insyaallah boleh tlg... masa amie nikah tu, kurung moden.. but the materials fr chiffon..kalau lace, chantek yg ikut potongan badan..

    me to twiggy : argghh.. i pon love all the things related to weddings! Yup, lace n songket would be nice combination yeah..so, takde la lace memanjang unless if utk reception.. yg tu bolehlah glam fully lace...i love french lace!

    me to asyikein : sonok.. i like it!

  5. yeah..try not to use much of lace..i agree w u amie.
    my engagement's outfit pun top je lace..bwhnye satin..very simple sampai kene bising dgn family takot x naik seri...hehe

  6. wahhh both cntik..but if srh aku pilih,aku pilih yg idea ke-2...ala2 combination moden & tradisional..i loikeeeeee it berry much...

  7. hehehe..amie..cayok!!!
    hahaha..sedu sedan aidilfitri dah habis ke nih..

    weddinggg!!! love wedd!! my nikah outfit kurung moden chiffon..with simple beadings..hehe bleh pakai gi kenduri kendara nenanti..lucky me..nikah outfit kaler cream.. :D

  8. salam singgah ke blog miss amie....nice blog...awak pun comel...(^_^)

  9. me to dialicious : it's simple.. but bila dh siap dgn make up and the hair do, mesti nmpak chantek!

    me to sabrina.h : yup..agree babe.

    me to june : dah habis dah june.. yela june.. i thought nak pakai jugakla my nikah outfit.. utk dinner wedding ker nnt..boleh ker?

    me to yanie putrajaya : hi yanie.. thanks for droping... comel ker>?aisehh..i malu la..agagaga
