Monday, July 27, 2009

Today, she hit 3 weeks old!

Yup, my little Qaira Jasmine is 3 weeks old today!

And 3 weeks jugakla masih dalam pantang lagi... and i just lost 8 kg..Arghhhh...

I wish I could lost 20kg.. Any tips mommies out there? Huhuhu...

Dear My Little Qaira Jasmine,

U always make my day... Mama love u so much!

And to My Beloved Husband,

We're still in sleepless land just because of Qaira Jasmine!

Hahahaha... Sabar ok!


  1. hee,kejap je mase berlalu. Sabar puan amie, tak lama je lagi berpantang tu :D

  2. sleepless nights dah makin berkurang.. maybe sbb baby bangun utk nyusu then terus tido... heeee! btw babe, i've lost 13 kgs when my baby hits 2 weeks! now tatau laa.. rasa cam maintain jer.. i nak turun lagi... how?? huhuhu.. btw, happy 3 weeks old dear Qaira! :)

    p.s. my jahitan kat tooottt dah baik since last Tuesday... seronok leh gerak byk2! hehehe..

  3. wah...bab tak ckup tidur tu sgt menakutkan..hehe..apepun happy tgk anak sendiri tu sgt2 bermakna kan..kak amie..bab turun berat badan pn baru 4bulan setgh badan dah naik berkilo2 ni..huhu..

  4. 3more weeks to go b4 abis pantang..seksakan confinement period ni..lucky i dah selesai..

  5. wah amie,
    kejap je dah 3 weeks ehh....
    xpe sbr tu xde ruginye....
    comey je cara u suh ur hubby tu sbr kan??
