Thursday, February 4, 2010

Does your baby understand what you say?

My answer would be 'Y.E.S'!

Ok, usually all the times mmg I always talk with Qaira. I'm not so sure either she understand or not what I'm saying but I keep talking to her because I believe all babies are develop so fast.. So, tahu ke tak tahu ke, I sembang jer dgn dia. And sometimes when I talked to her, she laughed. Bukannya I tgh buat lawak pun. Tapi dia ketawa jugak. So, perhaps she look at my funny face kot.. Pastu gelak2 sendiri. At the end, dia buat hal dia la. Ok fine.

And sometimes, bila suara I kadang2 tinggi sket, dia terus pandang muka I. seolah2 mcm nak tahu "what happened Mama?". So, for me, I understand that she picks up my emotions.. If I marah, dia tahu I marah.. If I happy and laughing with her, dia tahu yg mood itu adalah mood happy! And since Qaira was 4mths young, she's already recognized her name.. when I said, "Qaira". Dia akan toleh and senyum. Now, I'm agree that she's fast learner. The name "Qaira" for everyday use.. nak makan, panggil Qaira.. nak sembang2 dengan dia I panggil Qaira... but, if husband or I called her with "Qaira Min...." or her full name "Qaira Jasmine", then she knows that we're request something on her.. Cth,

Qaira Min! Tak nak tendang Mama...

And dia pun stop tendang.. of course muka I pun ada expression ala2 marah gitu.. hihi..

But Selasa lepas.. tgh dia demam2 tuekan, I nak bagi makan ubat.. ok, for ubat selsema tue, dia siap hisap2 syringe tue..sebab the taste is sweet.. but, bila makan antibiotic, then dia dah marah2 tak nak makan ubat tue.. So, i calmed her and talk to her using eye contact and explained why she need to makan ubat.. something like this la...

"Qaira, Qaira kena makan ubat nie.. nie antibiotic utk antibodi qaira jadi kuat.. nnt Qaira tak demam lagi and boleh main cepat2 dengan mama..." sambil sapu2 rambut dia kan.. 

So, automatically, dia dah tak lawan and try to makan ubat tue even dia tak suka.. but takdela merengek2 like before.. so, i was so impressed and happy la of course.. like..

"Eh, dia paham apa aku cakap.." hahaha..

Then, 2nd situation... Qaira selsema sampai hidung dia pun tersumbat... Then, bila selsema tue kering adalah kekotoran2 kat hidung tue kan.. I used nasal aspirator to pick the kekotoran la.. hahaha.. But, biasalah, dia nangis sebab tak suka i buat mcm tue.. Then, I hugged her and explained something like this...

"Mama nak buang kotor2 kat hidung Qaira nie so that Qaira senang nak nafas bila tidur... kalau mama tak buat mcm tue, Qaira tak boleh tido.. Mama kesiankan Qaira sebab Qaira, biar mama cuci hidung Qaira ok..."

Then slow2 I pun guna nasal aspirator tue, and guess what? Dia diam jer sampai habis kerja I..

Masa tue I was so happy and citer to my husband that Qaira understand all my words.. hihihi... 

Mmm, lepas nie, I kena berhati2 in all my wordings bila bercakap.. sebab now Qaira dah understand words.. so, i takut tersalah cakap and she will repeat the wordings..huhuhu.. matilah kalau tersalah cakap...

Buatnya dia tercakap benda yg bukan2.. nanti sape yg harus dipersalahkan?

Mama dan Abah jua... 

Congrats Qaira Jasmine! you've already 1 step ahead!


  1. bravo, qaira darling!! mwahsss from aunty! ;)

  2. so cute rite! when our little tots can paham apa yg kite ckp..

  3. aha.. betul kan.. baby macam faham jer apa kita cakap.. padahal kecik lagi tuh! tu maknanya baby kita bijak! hihihi..

  4. My rania bile i ckp gan die, die pun ckp jgk so mcm mane nk paham tskkk hehehe suke merapu dalam bahasan jerman
