Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I request nak nie la darling...

Ok, I'm going to 28 this coming Saturday. Hahaha.. giler tua. Nanti lagi 2 tahun jadi angka 30 yg menggerunkan! Nie I paste balik my shoutout kat FB today


Hahaha, it's funny! My sis yg forward to me lama dah dulu.. but somehow, it's true la for certain ppl. But, I hope I'm being just nice for my husband and children nnt ;p
Mmm, my husband tanya how to celebrate my birthday this year. Since on MARCH jua lah road tax n insurans nak kena byr (almost 2k! rasa mcm nak pengsan); I have no idea to celebrate unless duit aku berjuta2 kan (ni la rasa nak verangan feeling org kaya).

Then, I cakap kita gi makan2 jer la.. sekali lagi both of us SAHAJA..(hari tue masa bday my husband dah sekali kan.. I lupa nak reveal yg kitorang end up makan kat Kampung Baru on that day! hahaha..makan jiwang2 layan gerai jer ok! Hanya esoknya all of the families pegi makan kat Look Out Point tue..). So, 3 hari lepas I ternampak dia ada buat reservation for 2 at menara KL. Mula2, I malas nak cakap apa2. Eee, bila pikir balik, I REALLY HATE FINE DINING. Malas tahap cipan kalau kena makan bersopan santun dengan baju formal. Bukan ker I nie makan dengan tangan lagi enak? Ish ish.. Malasnya! So, I cakap tak payahlah. (Muka dia mcm hampa jer.. ek eleh.. hampa sbb pa yang?) Nnt next time kita makan romantik2 yer.. Tak payah tunggu birthday. My mood mcm tak boleh jer nak gi makan2 candle2 light2 dinner nie.. heheh..

Then, I suggest 3 of us pergi bercuti2an since we have another 1 voucher free accomodation from Sri vacation Club. So, husband agreed! lagi best dia kata.. So, we've planned to Lumut. So, berjimba2 lah nnt me husband n Qaira kat Lumut this coming Saturday! Yeay! I like lol.. just 3 of us.. no fancy dinner at all! And the best thing is, I REALLY LOVE PRIVACY. ;) (Sebab otak I kan sangat berserabut!)

Aha, and 1 lagi.. my husband asked me either I would like to have my own birthday cake! Hari tue I cakap tak nak. Sebab no one to eat the cake. And bila2 pun boleh dapat cake. But after I saw this just now, tetiba I would like to request one la;

Taaadddaaaaa... Hahaha..Cool birthday cake kan? Nasib Qaira tak breastfeed. Kalau tak nnt takut dia tersilap jer.. Hahaha.. Just joking ya ;)

So, I dah tak sabar dah nie. I hope this would be my great weekend! Eeeee... Best!

Pics : Here


  1. woweee boobies itu so BIG..haha..eh but how cool is thatcake! :-) yg tak boleh blah tu siap bra dia tu cantik ok :0

  2. hehe..cute bangat..x sure leh selera nak makan or not :)

  3. owhh fuhh nasib aku baru 20an..still mengancam wakaka

  4. oh my sekali pandang i thot that was real! LOL!

  5. waa..siap pinggang ramping lagi..kelass.. kehkehkeh..happy bustday in advance!

  6. kak amie, happy bufday in adcance!! wish all the happiness with u!!

  7. auw..hehe..nak p lumut gakla..nak kacau kak amienya privasi..hehe..apepun happy becoming besday yek kak amie..apepun kak amie mengancam lg..don worry..;)

  8. wowwwwwwwwwwwww....happy becoming birthday babe!have a great one...not older but wiser!!!!!klo u dpt cake tu i nak tang bra dia...sbb cunness ahahaa

  9. babe, agak2 part mana kat kek tu yg dimakan dulu? hahahaha...
    neway enjoy ur weekend ye..lumut tu best...eila stay situ last krismas..mmg syok!!

  10. owh?ur bday falls on my private party!happy bday in advanced!xsangka our fantasy cake sama!hahaahah,hope u dpt cake ni on ur bday ya!mine is red fetish :)

  11. i pnah tgk mcm2 bntuk lg..yg 'lelaki' nye pun ade gak...eeee......

    neway, hppy advnce bday......enjoy ur holiday....!!!

  12. happy birthday!!i like laaa ur request...hehe

  13. hahaha kalau dpt kek mcm tu depan mata..tatau la tergamak nk makan ke tak huuu :D Wahhh, bestnye holidayyy!

  14. save kan utk i part nips boleh..heheh..i nak bagi Mia..wakakak..dia kan addict kat nips i..happy befday in advance babe

  15. whoaaaa boobies! hahaha sexyyyy uu ;p

    oh yours 6th march yea amie? mine is 8th :) another year left before we have to blow no 3 candle ;p


  16. siti, yg u tulis tu klakar okehhh.. hahahahaha.. :P

    anyhow babe, i penah tgk cake ni.. and cake 'lelaki' pun pun penah.. aiyayaii.. kalo aril beli for u, make sure u guys makan berdua jer ok.. malu laa nak share2.. :)) :))

    nnt i wish u direct! call terus.. tungguuu! :P

  17. amie mane nk beli cake tu? nk bg utk birthday my hubby mesti die sooka muahahaha!! anyway have a great holiday and happy birthday in advance dear ;)

  18. hahahah...itu mesti cake 20an!! hahahah...alamak!! next year i dah bermacam2!! sedey!! :P
