Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Birthday Party - Menu

Ok, I've decided to have INSECTS COLOURFUL THEME for Qaira's birthday! Insyaallah...

So, I'm in the middle to list out for the menu! What i have in mind now, absolutely no HEAVY MEALS as the party will start during tea time. Ok? Besides finger food, I'm falling in love with............
















Nice u olls! lagi sebab dia colourful kan? hahahah... i like!

See? Tengok saja sudah tak tahan dengan crunchy crunchy nya!

And the good news is, I've already found someone who can make this! bestnya!!! Will see how la.. mahal oooo.. i wish I can do it by myself (Amie, sila jangan buat semua benda sorang-sorang... hahaha)

And...... Since ini birthday party for baby kan. so..do I need to cater for baby food? Hahaha.. nanti I letak jer babyfood dalam juadah hidangan... So that, mommies and daddies yg datang bawa baby u oll tue, tak payah masak-masak. Semua dah terhidang... Bukan susah pun kan.. Buat jer porridge baby.. hahahhaa... (Tak pernah di buat org... but why not? Hidang fav food Qaira jer nanti..hiks!)

 Bila baby comot, boleh capture moment kecomotan itu...

Image : google


  1. uuhh mcm bakal meriah je bday party Qaira nih. bersungguh-sungguh mummy dia plan. kalau lah Hariz boleh datang.. huhuhuh

  2. good idea serving baby food! slalu org letak mash potato je, tapi kak amie buat porridge la. awk byk resipi best. hehe.

  3. jangan risau. saya plan gitu. either vegetarian porridge or baby pasta, salah satu akan ada. nama pun ada tetamu kecil.

    no preservatives, di jamin halal. =P nak letak ayam, ikan daging takut pilihan parents lain2. but i bet brokoli, carrot, cauliflower, potato tu semua baby ok kot kan.

  4. huhu..bagus lah kalau makanan baby..parents baby tak perlu bersusah payah dah

  5. iyelah amie..gud idea..msti meriah party qaira nti...n macaroon tu sgattllah sedap......

  6. wah seronoknye klu jadi org yg creative nie yer..mcm2 boleh.. =)

    salam kenal..
    visit my blog http://zamimie.blogspot.com

  7. gud idea amie buat porride for baby..at least x perlu parents susah payah..i dapat imagine mesti meriah birthday Qaira..macaroons tu sedap, terliur i

  8. heheh.. cumel jek idea u..
    tapi na x pernah try macaroon yue.. sodap ke??
    hah, maybe leh try during Qaira's party kot.. :)

  9. heheh wah good idea ade baby food...bile yeh amie nak buat birthday qaira tu...jemput eda tak hihi....tak malu aku tanye mcm tu hahaha

  10. yummy..sedapnye :) tp mesti manis2 kan :)

  11. wah!! i know its gonna be a great party with a great planner like u :)
    hmmm..nampak sedap..jgn lupa jemput hanin+kyra eh? uh!! birthday hanin just one day before birthday qaira ;)

    have fun planning..

  12. Kak Amie....
    Takmo order Blueberry Cheese Tart dr De LyNa Cookies ker??? ;)


  13. amie, mane nak order macaroons tuh ek? teringin nak rasa..huhuhu


  14. wah menarik ni..first time tgk macaron tu mcm sdap je..mst best tangkap gamba budak2 comot..hehe..

  15. adoi colorful nya!
    wah ade tema insect? sgt mengujakan ni ;)

  16. Oh dearr
    Love the idea!!!
    URMM Cant wait nk tgk..amik gambar bnyk2 tauu
