Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'm not so intoo....


I think sbb I tak biasa duduk rumah.
I think sbb I mmg jenis yg bukan duduk rumah.
I think sbb I mmg tak suka duduk rumah.
I think sbb I mmg dah biasa keja + buat keja umah after working hours.
I think sbb I mmg suka berkerja rather than jadi suri rumah.

Being a full time housewife;

I always be there for Qaira sampai skrg nie dia asyik nak melekat dengan I for 24 hours..
I still wake up early in the morning due to Qaira also nak berjemaah Subuh. (I think sbb I dah trained dia dr kecik bangun awal, breakfst awal n mandi awal and believe it or not Qaira complete all the things before 8.00 am.. )
I can't online every minutes due to Qaira yg suka mkn n geget geget 'mouse'.
I mcm dah ketinggalan my 'FB'..dah tak tahu apa yg my fren buat.. hish.
I save my money a lot due to duduk rumah jer kerjanya...



  1. keja dok mengigit conclusion sila siapkan proposal cepat..

  2. u dah dok rumah?heeeeeeeee...yeaaahhhh....once u change ur lifestyle mmg u rasa lain.but eventually ull get used to it.but the part yg anak melekat...oh my god....TRUE TRUE TRUE

  3. babe, jom ber'twitter!! at least kalo x ol FB pun, still can update each other! jom! rindu la nak jumpa u... hiks. ;)

  4. xpe, nti biasela tue..bestnye duk umah ...all the time ngn qaira je..heavennn nye

  5. xpe2..slow2 nnt biasala life as HSEWIFE 2..may be ml2 ni rs bored nnt lm2 enjoy la..everytime dgn Qaira kan..sabar2 eh...all the best!

  6. bestnya dpt dok umh..huhu..kak amie..takpe tak on fb on twitter..leh tweet2 sesama..:D
