Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Day at YuKids Island

Hi all,

We've been at Yu Kids Island last February. Baru nak update. Hihihi... Those yang tak pernah pergi lagi, Yu Kids Island located at The Curve. Tempat dia best! Semua benda bergerak sendiri... then ada giant balloons which is really interesting. Let's the pic do the talking lah! hehe

 Cute locker!

 Peanuts yg bergerak sendiri...

 Qaira with her fav nanny!

We went for the second time last Monday. Kali ni 3 of us jer. Was thinking to go to KidsZania.. but we have no time nak explore satu Kidszania.. so later kita pegi ok Qaira!

Anak dara saya. Dah besarkan? Hiks

Fees nak masuk RM20 for weekdays and RM30 for weekend. Parents FOC.

Oh, ada tempat yg cantik jugak for those yang nak buat birthday party! Really nice compared to Kidzsport. They charge on per head. RM25 je per head (for kids only). Then rent space kat situ for RM120 for 2 hours. Food u all boleh cater sendiri... best kan?

Till now,


  1. da besar qaira..tnggu aisya besar skit,blh bwk diaorg kt sini :)

  2. ha'ahlah kene bawak ayra n azra ni..;-)
