Qaira's first ride!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Saje jalan-jalan at Jusco Kepong and brought Qaira for her new experience!


Now, u see!














Now, u don't!!!!

It's because;





Time benda nie dah bergerak-gerak, dia tak mo duduk dah.. Hahahaha.. Kelakar ok!

Adakah ia kerana ke'gedikkksss'an ketika menulis?
Monday, April 26, 2010

Hello darling-darling semua,

Mmm, dah lama tak citer sensasi kat blog sendiri kan? I tak tahulah kenapa my blog nie selalu menjadi sasaran anon-anon yg dengki dgn diri I nie..  Buat pa nak dengki-dengki.. tak baik... Ayat seperti;

"Kalau tak suka baca, jgn baca n komen. Nie blog aku, aku punya sukalah nak tulis apa."

Dah 10,000 kali di ucapkan. tapi ada jugak anon-anon yg sibuk nak tinggal jejak yang menjengkelkan. Tak tahulah apa yg nak di iri hatikan sgt kat I yang takde apa-apa nie.. I bukan celebrity pun.. Jauh sekali artis dik non.. Tapi kenapalah nak dengki kat I tak tentu pasal. Atau I sgt popular sampai si anon rasa I nie terlalu menjengkelkan. Yg peliknya, masih mahu menggunakan 'anon' sebagai kata ganti nama diri. Atau lepas ni, I perlu jer halang si anon dr bg comment kat blog I.. karang sian pulak org lain aka anon yg positive nak komen kat blog I.. sebab komen-komen sebegini amat penting dlm hidup I sekaligus menceriakan hidup I setiap hari. Hiks!

Eee, I nie bukan tak boleh terima kritikan. Yerla, I bukannya artis aka dato' Sti yg punyai kekuatan menepis kutukan-kutukan liar. I nie manusia biasa yg makan gaji aka kuli batak (bak kata anon) jer.. So, apalah sgt diri I yg takde apa untuk dibanggakan nie kan.. Jadi, akhir kata kepada anon negative; SILALAH BERAMBUS DR BLOG AKU! I TAK MINAT NAK BACA KOMEN U SBB U NIE JENIS TAHAP LAGI TERUK DR HAIWAN.. HAIWAN PUN LAGI MULIA DR U SBB TAKDE PERASAAN MCM U NIE. Ok?

If my blog nie buat u benci sgt, ia adalah kerana; bakap penulisan kreatif I yg gedix..ahakkkssss! Jgn jeles ;)

Where I Can Find This?
Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm just asking around to you guys kot-kot u all tahu where I can find those glass pitchers? 
Nice arrr ....

Toys oh! Toys

Ok, I'm not into fans of toys eventhough I beli bukan untuk diri I.. But nak beli utk Qaira kan. The expensive one that I bought for Qaira was the Fisher Price swing which is RM499 for 2 mths young baby. Hahhaa... Worth it? To be honest, yesss... really worth it even Qaira doesn't know everything about the swing. And I've already let go the swing because Qaira ni not a small baby anymore and she doesn't like to be in one place tak bergerak-gerak.

And to be honest jugak, Qaira doesn't have a lot of toys. Tak tahulah kenapa I nie susah sgt nak pilih toys untuk Qaira. Bila I pegi tengok jer, then mesti tak jadi beli sbb I tak tahu which one is good for her. Adalah I beli beberapa toys and cloth books from Lamaze. Then soft toys from Ikea. Dan beberapa toys that I forgot the brand name like rattles, teethers, walker and also the baby mobiles that can record our voice! Best tau! Yg tue mmg I yg teruja.. Hiks!

Apa pun, Qaira really needs a new toys. Ada banyak benefits on baby toys lagi-lagi for their mental developments. So, after consider beberapa faktor such as safe, engaging and educational; yesterday we bought





















For Qaira... ha ambik...! Main puas-puas!

And yesterday also, I ingat nak beli Musical table for her

It seems that Qaira loves this so much.. But her Abah said wait till she can really stand by her own then boleh try this for her... I guess, tak lama lagi we can consider this...!

Dan jugak, the one yg I pulak suka for her;

Stride to-ride Lion! 

This is really cool la! Sbb dia 2 in 1.. as a walker and also as a ride-on! And boleh pakai lama till dia boleh ride - on sendiri. And the price pun, quite cheaper and I think it;s worth for money!

Then, after having all this;

It's fun time! Weeehuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!
(sila abaikan pemandangan belakang di Marks & Spencer.. while I'm in changing room, anak beranak ni happy snap gambar dlm keadaan cmni! Hahaha)

Image source : google

How to handle stress?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kes boss takde otak, kita biarkan. Tak guna siksa jiwa nak sakitkan hati sendiri. As usual, dia tanya, I jawab. I tak boleh buat, I biarkan jer. Lantaklah. I'm ready for anything la boss.

Now, let's talk how to handle stress!

While stress, we should 'cuci mata' with















Argghhh...dr nak  marah, terus tak jadi.. sbb sgt chumelllllll .............! Ahaks..

p/s- balik nie I paint Qaira jadi mcm nie la! Hilang stress u oll!

Image : Google

Mcm nie ker bos?

Situation sebentar tadi.

Situation 1 - Received a call from Marketing Department at 10.09am

Marketer : Amie, application I u dah hantar bank?
I : Belum.
Marketer : Belum? Dah lama I submit. Merchant sign up on 2nd April tau.
I : Tahu. Tapi I tak sempat nak check lagi. I check ikut turutan. Yg b4 2nd April pun tak buat lagi. Dah tentulah u punya tak buat lagi.
Marketer : Ha? matilah saya! Dah lama tau. Almost 2 weeks.
I : (dalam hati - matilah cepat sket). Mmm, tu lah. Kalau u tak puas hati, u pegi inform your boss la. Cakap dengan dia I tak buat lagi application u tue.

* I paham situation marketer tu. Job dia dah selesai. cuma kena pastikan I approved the apps. I sengaja suruh dia cakap dgn bos dia sbb I tahu bos dia akan jumpa atau call I. So.. i tunggu jerla..Tak lama kemudian...

Situation 2 - Received a call from Head of Marketing at 10.40am

HOD : Amie, application bla bla u tak buat lagi?
I : Belum
HOD ; Kenapa?
I : Lagi nak tanya ker? I tak sempat nak buat lagilah. Yg b4 nie pun tak habis check lagi.
HOD : U kena buat skrg Amie... dah lambat. Nanti org complain.
I : Masalahnya merchant punya request pun I tak siap lagi. tengah buat. Kenalah buat satu-satu. U ingat I robot ker?
HOD : No, no.. u pegi buat sekarang.
I : Tengoklah. I cuba.
HOD : U jangan main-main Amie!
I : Apa yg main-mainnya? U ada nampak I main-main ker? Kalau u tak puas hati pegi bgtahu boss la! Kalu I resign, lagi bagus. Biar takde org buat. nanti u boleh tgk mcm mana situation dia.. Kan?

* I pun paham dia marah sbb keja anak buah dia belum approve lagi. I cakap mcm tue kat dia sbb I tahu dia nie kaki mengadu kat big boss. Cakap I tak buat keja etc. Sbb tu I cakap and suruh dia pegi cakap dgn boss.. Terus I letak fon.. tak lama kemudian...

Situation 3 - received a call from big boss at 11.20am

Boss : Merchant bla bla bila dia submit application tue?
I : 13hb.
Boss : Sekarang dah berapa hb?
I : 20hb.
Boss : So, dah berapa lama?
I : Seminggu.
Boss : Seminggu punya keja pun u tak buat lagi ker? Apa u buat?
I : Boss, jgn tanya apa I buat. Sekarang nie I buat 3 org punya keja dlm 1 masa.
Boss : So?
I :Sebab tue lah tak sempat.
Boss : Camna boleh tak sempat?
I : Sebab, I bukan main buat jer. Dah received application, I kena check. then key in utk report. pastu key in dalam system. Dah siap, kena recheck. then photostat. then filing, then hantar. Request from merchant I kena check dulu sales dorang. Kalau sales tak tinggi tak boleh approve kan. So, semua kena check by check. Mcm mana I nak buat semua dalam 1 masa. Bukannya sikit, Banyakkkkkkk!
Boss : So, u kena buatlah!
I : Memanglah I buat! Kalau u tak percaya, I tunjuk report keja I. So, u boleh tahu keja banyak atau keja sikit!
Boss : (Kembali cool down bila aku cakap aku boleh tunjuk report keja aku). Ok, tunngu I sampai ofis. Nanti u tunjuk report tue kita discuss.
I : Ok!

So, paham tak kenapa I sakit hati kat opis? Sebab MEMAKSA I buat 3 org punya keja dlm 1 masa. Cakap tu kalau baik-baik takpe.. Nie nak menengking jer kejanya.. Kalau tak tengking pun, pastu  mengadu.. Laha... tul la! Yg big boss nie pun tak paham-paham ker... Kalau dulu 3 org yg buat, sekarang kenapa yakin sgt sorang pekerja boleh buat 3 org punya keja? Nak save bajet department ker? Nak, naikkan gaji aku sampai 3 org punya gaji. baru aku puas hati.

Qaira's 1st fever!
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ok, I have no experience to handle Qaira during her first high fever. Before nie, dia ada demam sekali but tak teruk sangat. But kali nie, sampai 39.4 degree. Perasaan? I just cant imagine my perasaan tau.

 Dia start demam on Rabu hari tue. Tapi temperature tak tinggi sangat. Around 37.6 - 38 degree jer. Then, we went to clinic near our house jer and as usual dia bagi ubat demam and antibiotic jer. We went home and around 9pm tue, her temperature naik till 39.4 and time nie mmg I risau sebab tgk dia dah lemah sangat. Disebabkan naluri ibu ni suka fikir bukan-bukan yg ntah apa-apa, I ajak Aril cari clinic lain and yes, time tue temperature badan Qaira memang tinggi. So, the doctor advised to insert the drugs thru buttock jer.. Then I aggreed. 

Balik rumah 2 hours after that, temperature Qaira terus turun normal and I was so happy sebab Qaira dah ok. But, malam around 3am, Qaira bangun and bila I check balik her temperature, dah naik balik sambil dia betul-betul terkulai layu dah..I buka baju dia tinggal diaper jer and lap badan and kepala dia dengan air tak henti-henti cause I'm worried boleh dapat sawan demam like other people always said. Time nie memang macam-macam la I pikir.. takut..serius I takut..

Bila dah pagi tu, demam still tak kebah. I ambil EL and stayed with her for the whole day. But, takde tunjuk tanda-tanda demam dia akan kebah. She refused to eat and milk. Dia hanya nak plain water jer and dia buang 2 kali jer satu hari. Lagilah I pening dan dia asyik nangis tak henti-henti. Then, I tengok gums dia merah sangat..Maybe that the reason why she refused to eat and drink milk la.. Dan 1 hari tue memang dia tak nak makan apa-apa. Tu la dia lemah sangat.

Esoknya on Friday still tak kebah. Aril pulak took EL and jaga Qaira with my MIL. During the day, demam dia on and off and still refused to eat and drink. So, we want to bring Qaira to child specialist kat TTDI but tutup pulak.  Time tue dengan susah hati I memang tak boleh berpikir lagi-lagi dah 2 hari tak tidur sebab malam kena jaga Qaira. So, we have no choice and I pegi klinik yg biasa Qaira pegi bila dia sakit. Kebetulan klinik nie masa mula-mula we all nak pegi tutup pulak. Then bila pegi klinik ni, I was hoping that doc nie oklah since Qaira dah biasa dengan dia. Dia ada check mulut Qaira bila I tanya kenapa Qaira refused to eat. But his answer, maybe gigi dia nak tumbuh. Ok fine, free consultation with the doctor doesnt make me happy and go back and pantau jer la temperature Qaira.

Balik rumah and demam Qaira still on and off but tak tinggi sangat. Hanya around 38.4 mcm tu. So, sampai esoknya Sabtu pagi, Qaira demam balik and tanpa tunggu-tunggu lagi we rushed to specialist yg tutup masa I nak pegi hari tu. Then, pertemuan dengan specialist, akhirnya terjawab demam Qaira tue kenapa and why she refused to eat. Dia check details.. mata, tangan, kaki, hidung, badan, and last sekali mulut..dan mendapati yg Qaira sakit tekak. Thats the reason dia tak makan n minum.. patutlah.. kan? 3 doctor biasa tak berjaya kesan sedangkan dorang pun ada check tekak Qaira. Cumanya bila check tue Qaira nangis.. and dorang tak teruskan pun check tekak tue.. yg I pegi specialist nie, the doc paksa I pegang Qaira kuat-kuat and bukak mulut Qaira seluas-luasnya and tadadaaaaa..dapat detect!

See? The doc asked me to buang all the ubat demam and antibiotic yg I dpt kat klinik-klinik tu and she gave me another ubat demam and strong antibiotic yg katanya; makan antibiotic tue, kalau Qaira demam normal, dia mesti sihat by Monday nie.

Ni antibiotic that she gave to Qaira!

And, pada ketika I tulis nie, (Sunday at 3.40pm), Qaira dah sihat, dah makan and dah minum! Alhamdulillah.. akhirnya Qaira sihat balik.. and to spend RM130 untuk demam and sakit tekak, it's worth! Tak kisahlah what ever it is,, I paid as long as Qaira cepat sihat (hish..pasni claim la kat opis kan..hiks!)

Nie klinik yg I pegi tue.. bagus tau! Very recommended! And lepas nie, memang sini la tempat Qaira ya if sakit ker apa ker..

And surroundings dlm klinik tue..

So, sekarang senang hati I.. Alhamdulillah semuanya ok and experience jaga Qaira masa demam, really tough! Hiks!

 Mama! No pic plzzzz.... no mood ok~

Image : Google

Birthday Party - Menu
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ok, I've decided to have INSECTS COLOURFUL THEME for Qaira's birthday! Insyaallah...

So, I'm in the middle to list out for the menu! What i have in mind now, absolutely no HEAVY MEALS as the party will start during tea time. Ok? Besides finger food, I'm falling in love with............
















Nice u olls! lagi sebab dia colourful kan? hahahah... i like!

See? Tengok saja sudah tak tahan dengan crunchy crunchy nya!

And the good news is, I've already found someone who can make this! bestnya!!! Will see how la.. mahal oooo.. i wish I can do it by myself (Amie, sila jangan buat semua benda sorang-sorang... hahaha)

And...... Since ini birthday party for baby kan. I need to cater for baby food? Hahaha.. nanti I letak jer babyfood dalam juadah hidangan... So that, mommies and daddies yg datang bawa baby u oll tue, tak payah masak-masak. Semua dah terhidang... Bukan susah pun kan.. Buat jer porridge baby.. hahahhaa... (Tak pernah di buat org... but why not? Hidang fav food Qaira jer nanti..hiks!)

 Bila baby comot, boleh capture moment kecomotan itu...

Image : google

Just tell me what is your opinion regarding.....
Monday, April 12, 2010



In my department, sepatutnya ada 3 org yg uruskan hal-hal berkaitan dengan my job now ni. Sorang telah resigned and another one telah pindah department! Fine... membuatkan I terkontang-kanting kat sini alone. My boss yang baik hati doesn't want to employ any employee. Reason being sbb ada satu makhluk jahat mcm raksasa Gorgon pergi hasut dia cakap I nie takde keja sangat kat ofis! Maaakk aiiii... kalau i takde keja kat ofis ni, jadi semua applications kat atas meja I nie kan, siapa yang approved? brengset.. ha, amik ko! 

Jadi, boss yg tak boleh pikir nie (maybe dia ingat yg buat semua keja ni ialah hantu agaknya..) terus terhasut dengan raksasa Gorgon membuatkan dia ingat I nie ber 'mukabuku' sentiasa. Tak sangkal pun mmg betul bermukabuku tapi I still managed to do my work or working on the dateline yang tak pernahlah I tak siap. 

Menjadikan kesimpulan cerita, sekarang ini, I lah bakal pekerja cemerlang (even tak pernah ada award mcm ni pun kat company nih) yang membuat 3 orang punya kerja dan dalam masa yang sama working on the dateline! (Ada dateline u all.. jgn main-main). Tanpa sebarang acting allowance mahupun kenaikan gaji, adakah ini satu tindakan yg rasional? Tak mahu bayar OT satu citer. Jadi, i pun tak hingin nak OT. Baik jumpa Qaira and hubby ku tercinta. Lagi puas hati.

So, apa yg patut I buat sekarang? Patut ker I ludah dorang ni? Tapi kalau ludah, nanti dia lap balik. Mcm senang jer. Kalau I resigned, I tak bersedia lagi untuk tidak berkerja at the moment. Tapi jalan terbaik adalah resigned sebab I tahu if I resigned, takde siapa pun boleh buat keja I and backup keja I... so, mesti dorang gelabah taik ayam kan? Jadi, apakah? apakah?

I tensi u oll... Sebab tue status mukabuku tu asyik ke aras tensi-tensi sahaja.

Penanggung derita di tempat keja,

Vote plzzzzz!
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ok, those yg dah vote kat fb okla! thanks!

Kat sini, plz vote yer.. Soalannya berbunyi begini:

which one is lovely for qaira's birthday party theme? bumble bee theme, butterflies theme or ladybugs theme? and what color do u like to see at bday party? pink? multicolor? yellow? vote plzzz!

Silalah vote yer darlink semua.. really appreciate it! Zaaaaasssssss

p/s - silent reader, (kalau  ada) silalah vote sekali.. memeriahkan vote i.. ahaksss... 

Chocolate Foundae Not Choclate Fountain

Hi peeps,

Huhu..received a good feedback regarding the chocolate fountain! Yeay! However, those yang request for small party memang tak sesuai la nak pakai chocolate fountain kan. So, we do have CHOCOLATE FOUNDAE!

We do have package on this. So, party yang around 50-100 people, we can cater using chocolate foundae!

Just request you nak dip dengan apa. Suggestions:

  • Strawberry
  • Banana
  • Marshmallow
  • Biscuits Stick
  • Apple
Then, I will quote to you based on your request!

Untuk majlis yang lebih besar, prefer using chocolate fountain rather than chocolate foundae.

E-mail me at

    You're now entering the 9 number!
    Wednesday, April 7, 2010

     Hihi.. tajuk tak boleh blah.. ntah apa-apa. tapi takpela.

    Qaira Jasmine is 9 mths young yesterday! Happy 9mths young Qaira Jasmine! But, Mama and Abah couldn't spend time with Qaira due to busy, busy, busy like a bee! Hahaha.. Sian Qaira.. I hope she understand semua kesibukan ini adalah utk dia.

    Me as a busy bee! Hiks!

    A lil update about Qaira during 9 mths young!

    • Just saw another 2 teeth are coming out! Menjadikan 4 semuanya.. Patutlah tak boleh duduk diam.
    • She can stand by her own, skrg nie paling lama 15seconds! 
    • First word is 'ABAH'. Second is 'MAMA'. Now she called us by Abah and Mama! Terharu I...
    • Oh! She really smart ok! She can wave me when I said, 'bye bye'.
    • She loves MAKAN! Sila jgn gumun Qaira.. hihihi.. but, skrg nie bila dia makan banyak pun, badan tetap tak naik. I guess sbb dia aktif ke sana sini. Mmg tak pernahlah nak reject food!
    • Her fav food are pumpkin! And pasta ok.. Desert is whipping cream! Haha.. tak bagus tul kalau makan banyak.. 
    • Good in dancing and joget-joget.. serahkan saja pada Qaira
    • Suka kira semut even tak tahu 1,2,3... she just love to see semut-semut jalan berkumpulan.
    And so many things that she discover and learn nowadays.. Juga banyak idea-idea notty dia.. Ada jer benda yg dia buat. Huh! Juga penat nak melayan. Asyik nak main jer kejanya.. 

    To Qaira,
    Sila jgn cepat membesar! Mama rindu dgn my small tiny Qaira! Sedey ;( and the same time happy ;) sbb Qaira membesar dengan sihat! yeay!


    Hello mommies!

    so sorry ok! I was busy like a bee from Friday till yesterday. So, to those yg order Tojours, I will e-mail you the tracking number soon.

    And those yang nak meets up, i will e-mail you ok.. wait for my reply!

    p/s- And those yang call I ajak hang out together, asking for choc fountain quotation and birthday party package, wedding n event etc, so sorryyyyyyy... i tak dapat reply utk 4 hari yg sgt busy nie... Mmm.. Anyway, thank you for your wish.. Our latest project at Royal Chulan yesterday, end up with succesful and a big smile from client and our team! thank you...!

    another p/s - Those who asking about being Tojuours supplier, sila e-mail saya.. ok!

    Marilah Join Saya
    Monday, April 5, 2010

    Marilah join saya.. just register here:

    Ok, yg penting dpt duit bila klik.. tak rugi pun kalau cuba ya! Silalah klik dan meramaikan..

    Thank You...

    Birthday Party Part 4 - Chocolate Fountain Anyone?

    Another ideas how to celebrate your kids birthday party is............












    Yummy Chocolate Fountain!

    Kan? Sedap u ollsss.... I have this during my wedding day! Mmg yummy ok.. I nie konon perasan nak rasa how the taste of chocolate fountain with fruits mcm strawberry ker, banana ker or even marshmallows,but duirng my time tue, baru 30 minit majlis berjalan, eh eh dah habis yer choc fountain tue! I dapatlah merasa sket jer..

    Nie semua gara-gara org jakun.. hehehe (tak baik tau cakap jakun.. i ikhlas hidang choc fountain walaupun my guest tue bukannya dtg nak makan nasi.. dia gi mengadap choc fountain nie dulu).

     White choc fountain! 

    Anyway, having this at your wedding, I rasa mcm tak sesuai sebab crowd yg ramai unless you need to cater this untuk semua guest. But, bear in mind the cost adalah mahal but if mampu, why not kan?

    Or, you can have this on your kids birthday party! Mesti lagi meriah.. Just and idea... 

    Tgk? Yummy ok! serius sedap sehingga menjilat jari nih!

    Butttttttttt, jgnlah assume u oll jumpa nie kat birthday party Qaira ek.. no no.. money ilek (guna bahasa tamil sket..). But those yg ada nie on your kids birthday party, silalah ajak Mama Qaira ok!

    p/s - Motif entry nie ialah nak perkenalkan that we do cater for chocolate fountain. E-mail me or call jer la senang! ok?

    Qaira Jasmine saya..

    Sok anak kecik I nie dah 9 bulan! Hish... dah besar ok! sangat besar dengan cepat!

    Sok jerla I update pasal dia. Skrg nie kalau mengamuk, kaki tangan semua main peranan. dah mcm anak sotong I tgk!

    Qaira with boipren baru, Isyraf

    Ok, nnt I sambung lagi. Hari nie kita pikir samada nak anta atau tak resign letter itu.


    Ada Apa Dengan Online Shopping?
    Friday, April 2, 2010

    I bet all mommies here or even bukan mommies la penah buat online shopping, right? Blog shop skrg nie tumbuh seperti cendawan. Everybody nak buat online shop. Senang, tangkap gambar, buat entry, publish, tunngu orang order.

    Those who interested might order with you. Salah seorang kaki order thru online nie is me! Hahaha..

    Ok, I always bought thru online. Most of the items ialah baju-baju Qaira. This is the cheapest way to find branded stuff with cheaper price. Mula-mula dulu, when I saw blog shop yang jual baju Gap, RL, Osh Kosh, I was thinking it is not original items. But, sampai satu ketika, when I was giler crazy shopping dekat Gap Store and went back with  my shopping items.. Wahhh... rasa bestnya mcm heaven! But, suddenly I was blog hoping and berhenti kat 1 blog shop yang I nampak sebiji macam baju Qaira yang I beli dekat Gap Store, I was like ................ WHAT????????????
    I bought a cute romper from Gap Store. price is RM79 for the simple romper. And guess what? When I saw the same romper kat blog shop jual RM20.90!! Can u see the difference?

    Till now, I'm not sure macam mana blog shop nie boleh jual harga murah. And bila I try beli, yes it looks like original. Most of the items yang I cakap nie, semua baby stuff la.

    Dari insiden tersebut, until now, I boleh conclude most og baju Qaira I bought from online store. Lama-lama bila pikir balik, rasa membazir beli mahal, pakai sekejap and at the same time ada tempat lain yang jual murah. Ok, end of the story pasal nie!

    Ok, lagi pasal online shopping. Yang tadi tue advantage dr apa yg I dapat thru online ni. But, disadvantages ialah;

    Kadang-kadang I benci dengan orang yang jual thru online. Bukan semua.. Segelintir sahaja. Bila kita nak beli, kadang-kadang we might ask something la kan. Produk takde depan mata, haruslah nak tanya itu ini. Sesetengahnya, jawab dengan penuh sopan. Cerita all the details of the items. Yg nie mmg I respect. But, ada sesetengahnya baru nak tanya sikit jawab mcm tak nak jawab. Pastu bila kita tak beli, kecoh sekampung sedangkan ada ke haku order? Baru nak tanya pasal items tu. Pastu kecoh-kecoh cakap dia dah reserve and tak boleh back out! Fine. I'm not a back out buyer! But u should alert, PERTANYAAN dengan ODER! Sama ker lain? Pastu haku tak suruh pun ko reserve kan brg tue.

    1 lagi. Bila kita lambat sikit buat payment, bertalu-talu e-mail dia suruh bayar. Bila kita dah bayar, senyap jer. Sampai kita pulak nak kena approach balik tanya dah receive payment ke belum. Takde responsibility langsung nak feedback balik. Bila kita tanya, 2-3 hari lepas tue baru dia reply e-mail balik.

    Lagi, selalu nak bagi ayat-ayat palsu mcm "Our price is cheapest in town". Bila compare dengan org lain, bapak mahal harga dia. Bila kita inform dia yang harga dia mahal, dia maki hamun ckp kalau interested beli, kalau tak, tak payah beli. Wahhhh... eksyen! Tapi dalam banyak-banyak seller, ada sorang ni. Paling I respect. Bila dia kata price dia murah dr yang lain, dan I found out that her price mahal dr kedai lain, I inform dia yang apa yang dia stated tak betul. But, dia sangat bagus and reply me back. Ask for the link kedai mahal tue, dan esoknya dia turunkan harga baju dia. Bagus tak? Till now, I'm her regular client. Bukan sebab murah, tapi really honest! Bagus orang mcm nie...

     Apa pun lah kan, to the seller out there, kalau nak maju, jawab soalan customer dengan honest. Jgn kurang ajar like your items tue mcm orang tergila-gila nak beli. Menyampah haku dgn org mcm ni. Layan customer biarlah baik-baik. Nanti rezeki pasti datang bergolek! Betul tak?

    Image : istock photo

    Calling all mommies!

    Those yg tak tahu Tojours tue apa.. sila baca below;

    What is Toujours?

    Toujours is a GRED A GERMANY DIAPERS. It's much way cheaper than Mamy Poko and the quality is mostly the same. The price is really affordable.

    Size and Quantity

    Green Pack (Midi - M size) - 4kg - 9kg - 56 pcs

    Red Pack (Maxi - L size) - 7kg - 18kg - 50 pcs

    Blue Pack (Junior - XL size) - 11kg - 25kg - 44 pcs

    CRAZY PRICE (crazy i tell you..hihihi)

    BUY NOW UNTIL 2nd APRIL 2010, ONLY RM33.50 PER PACK! (cheapest in town)
    Normal Price is RM35


    Shipping Cost as below:

    Registered Post - RM5 for 1 pack
                               RM10 for 2 packs
                               RM12 for 3 packs

    Those yang nak self pick up pun boleh juga. E-mail me or call terus at 0129251007 ok!

    Makcikkk gumuuunnnn

    Gumun means gemokkkssss...Ahksss...

    Ok, ok.. makcik yg I maksudkan itu adalah diri ku ini. I;m in size 12 ok!

    Ulang lagi, size 12!

    Gemuk tak bererti tak cantik u ollssssss....

    Sila tengok orang-orang gumun di bawah:

    Cantikkan? Sexy sket kalau gumun camni. Hihihihi... kalau kurus sgt tak best gak kan? Aisehhh..walaupun mak gumun, mak bersyukur.. pasni I nak diet (ayat 100,000 kali).

    Kalau tak dapat ke berat asal pun, I pasrah jerla.. Asalkan mak mesti maintain vogue.. Hahaha.. vogue katanya... comot adalah! 

    p/s - Gumun ialah perkataan sopan untuk gemuk.

    Image : Google

    Keputusan Interview hari Itu

    Mmmmm, interview went well! Their GM, I like lol! Sgt sporting... GM ok yg interview.. Sampai 4 org yg interviewnya... And the result is









    Tak dapat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!











    They offered me;

    Doing outsource for their company! And if they agree with the payment;








    I might work from home!!!!!!!! 

    Kalau betul-betul nie, loncat katak I u all.. sbb kerja dr rumah disamping Qaira Jasmine adalah sesuatu yg heaven! Eh, asal company tue best sgt ha?