Alhamdulillah, majlis Qaira berakhir dengan sempurna... But to post the entry about her aqiqah, will do that later.. penattt wooo!
And here, received beberapa gambar from our photographer... nice shot n love 'em all!
Pics : Credit to Kertas Puteh
p/s - perlu watermark dimuka Qaira lepas nie.. worried about the cases yg curi gambar anak org lain! cisssss.......
suka pic no 2 tu..heheh
amie..sorry cudnt be there...pikny theme ehh..?? canteknye...alhamdulillah everything went well!
comey sangat...
nnti upload gambar byk2 ek,heheheeh
hi. 1 of your silent reader. ikut since u 8 months preggy lagi. suka tgk qaira. muka berubah dari sehari ke sehari. comell.. theme.love3 it.
ado meyh..curik3 pic baby orang,,??
ow better watermark..Qaira sgt comel..hehehe
sorry amie x dapat datang..neways tq so much for the invitation! ur pic with qaira sweet :-)
so sweet...sorry, can't be there on that day..i'm sure, semuanya berjalan dengan lancar...;-)..
Alaa..Cantiknye dia...Mommie cepat upload gmbar lagi tau!!!...
P/S : pampers tourjour tuh confirm ke lg bagus dari huggies/ mamy poko?..I mcm nak beli..How?
bestnye qaira :) akak..rambut qaira senang tumbuh ek?lebat..husna so slow rambutnye nak panjang after cukur hari ke 11 lahir aritu..
so cute and sweet. Sila upload lagi yer :) pic no 2 & 3 sgt comelsss!
me to cahaya kekasih : sama, i pun suka..
me to cupcakemommy : thanks babe
me to sueharriz : it was pink n blue theme.. it's ok babe.. kita jumpa lain kali..
me to ilhamshiraz : yes, will upload later..
me to Ariba : takpe.. Alhamdulillah semuanya ok but not so perfect as planned..
me to Aira : Yup.. will upload..
Yes, i sangat suka tojours compared to yg lain2 even Mamy Poko.. i pun nak beli stock.. if u nak, i boleh belikan kat my fren tue.. but beli mesti 3 pack ok.. \
me to Nad : thanks babe!
me to Yann : oh, ada..sgt takot n perlulah watermark.. thanks..
me to wina : it's ok wina.. thanks babe!
me to Huda : rambut Qaira cpt pjg.. tapi tak tahulah klu botak nie lambat nak tumbuh ker..hihihi
me to hanie : hihi,,thanks. will upload hanie.. tggu ya..
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