Shopping for my Wedding
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Yea Yea.. I can't wait to do my shopping.. Heheh, to fulfil all my shopping list for my wedding ..Basically, I'm going to Jakarta & Bandung!
And here's some of my shopping list yg mesti di beli di Jakarta & Bandung:
  • Invitation Card - I need to have the hardcover for my wedding card
  • Guest gifts - Need to find something unique and of course within my budget!
  • Lace - Uhh..xsabarnya nak shopping lace byk2
  • Wedding Outfit for reception at my house

Going to 26!!!!?
Saturday, January 19, 2008

O guwd! Masa berjalan begitu pantas and I feel just like yesterday meninggalkan alam persekolahan.. That time, I was 17 still wearing baju kurung putih with light blue kain.. And my Soulmate x habis2 menyakat & menyakat dan xpuas hati sbb xdpt saya lagi to become his gf..hahaha..
Then, going to 18, 19 (University's time and masa nie dah declare lah kan as Inchek Soulmate's gf)... Move to 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and now.. 25..Arghhh..and this year, I am 26 already? Mmm..tuanya!!! Dan bila di fikirkan semula, hanya tggal 4 tahun saje lagi to stay in 20's then I will be in 30's era..!!! Dan yg paling x sangka, this year also I will become Inchek Soulmate's wife? Cepatnya masa berlalu... rasanya dulu masih hingusan lagi.. and maybe around 2,3 years akan dtg, saya dah jadi Ibu pulak ke? Dan juga bila melihat sekeliling, most of my frens dah kawin dan dah ada anak 1, 2? Mmmm.. yes, masa berjalan begitu pantas.. and now, I'm counting my self to...26!!!

Budget, Budget, O, Budget!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Huh, a lot of things that I need to think during the preparation especially my budget.. well, after calculate the DIY things, yup, i can save a lot.. O ya.. for the DIY preparation, I think the hantaran decoration should be included in the list.. Total savings : Another RM1,000 for 9 hantaran..heheh..

Ok, berbalik isu budget..the things yg paling besar n the most imporant budget that we need to include in the list is : BUDGET for the caterer..Well, me n Inchek Soulmate telah berpenat lelah mencari catering which can cater for our guest around 550 pax for the reception at dewan n around 300 pax for the solemnization.. And the results are:

For the reception ceremony, the guest akan makan the best choice ialah hidangan dome rather than buffet..To cater 550 guest with dome set ,'s a lot of $$$ involved.. the lowest we can get including the table + banquet chair & chair cover is RM30 per pax..and the highest price is RM60 per pax..!!! (If RM60 per pax, baik haku bt kat dewan perdana felda..wing wing***) We goes for Nasi Tomato for the menu instead of Nasi Minyak n Beriani.. Including the lauk pauk, desert, minuman, coffee / tea n bla bla bla...
Quotation result = RM XX,XXX.XX (for 550 pax)

Because the Ringgit Malaysia is still within our budget, so we agreed to book the caterer.
Then, for the Reception di rumah, I should said that I need to build the pelamin at the canopy.. nowadays, i saw ppl choose to make their pelamin outside rather than inside.. as u know, my house takla besar mana kan.. so, the result = PELAMIN should be outside - at the canopy.

Wokey, at Reception event dirumah, we only should cater for 300 guests. It is including neighbours, close friends and close relatives. So, memandangkan ia di malam hari, the possiblities that semua org akan dtg selepas menunaikan solat maghrib, adalah serentak. So, we should have 6 canopies (1 canopy dah sah2 utk pelamin). It is bcoz, my advice, if those out there nak buat majlis mlm hari (buffet), let say the crowd are around 1000 pax, u need to have at least 12 canopies ya.. plzzz... dun go fo 7 canopies.. it is not enough!! Dun make ur guest waiting to have their dinner! Heheh..Tapi kalau siang hari, it ok to have 6-7 canopies.. sbb masanya lebih panjang..

Ok, then my dream to have the arabian canopies (yg sgt hot ketika ini), + scallop + butterfly scallop di tiang canopy + underlayer and chandelier for all the canopies (not only for the pengantin canopy), the price that I need to pay = RM850 for each canopy X 6 = RM5100 (fuhhh..lagi mahal dr sewa dewan). Uwaaaaa... and the canopy hanya utk meraikan 300 tetamu.. Berbaloi ker?

Kalau kaya raya, baloi la kot..heheh.. anyway, i'm still doing my calculation..

**Pic fr CT Catering

Oh 2008, here I come!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 is just around the corner.. While I'm writing in this blog, it's almost 7 hours left to 2008..
Mmm, 2007, byk memories baik yg gembira, sedih, suka dan duka.. Things happened in 2007 yg menggembirakan hati ialah:

1- I've graduated!
2- Manage to build my business succesfully.. Revenue of the year, 5 angka! (good income for small business)
3- Get hired by 3 giant company / organization!
4- Last year for stay single!
When 2008 is coming, i'm planning to:
1- Get promotion! No matter how..ekekek..
2- Expand my business!
3- Ready to become a wife for my Soulmate!
4- Yearly income for my own business + penyata gaji tahunan at my organization = Should be 6 angka for 2008!
Mmm, yg lain still on planning.. but, all these are for sure.. Insyaallah..Amin.