Heylow peeps!
Subhanallah.. it has been a challenge day bila hari-hari terakhir kat ofis. I'm officially H.O.U.S.E.W.I.F.E now! Yeay! And I'm proud on my status! Serious ramai teringin nak jadi housewife, but I made it! It is a careful and long consideration to make the decision. It's tough when u think u're jobless! But to be true, I'm not jobless! I have my own plan and business and I really want to expand it! Really!
That's the reason why I didnt update my blog! And thanks a million for silent readers and blogger frens who asked me; "Eh, bila nak update blog?".. and those who e-mailed me and asked is something wrong on me sbb tak update blog! Hahah.. But, I'm still active in FB la darling2 semua.. Hiks! Thanks so much for reading my humble blog! I really2 appreciate sampai mati!
And I didn't expect I ada silent reader yg ramai. Hahaha... sampai hati korang nak mo komen kat sini.. Bolehlah kita berkenalan kan.. Serius I've received e-mail from them asked a lot of things from me! Hish.. I rasa mcm kaunter pertanyaan yg dihargai... Serius I like it! Oh! and tq sbb invite us to your daughters/sons bday party! It was amazing idea utk menjalinkan ukhuwah! Hahaha..
And last but not least! Semalam was superb day for me! My last day in the office! I biarkan report bulanann tanpa siap! The conversation with the x-HEAD mcm nie;
The stupid HEAD : I nak u siapkan all the monthly reports by today. Submit all 12 applications by today and 30 alterations boleh siapkan hari nie kan?
Me : I dah susun semua 12 applications atas meja nie... dah compile 30 request alterations atas meja nie.. I tak de masa nak buat semua nie and the monthly reports? U buatlah sendiri semua nie ya.. I've already resigned and sorry.. I takde masa nak buat semua nie lagi!
And guess what! I berjaya menyakitkan hati dia dan buat dia terpinga-pinga! Hahahah! I like!
But after I berambus from the office, sape lagi kan nak kena buat semua tue..Acc to my fren, Kavitha, dia tercongok depan my PC and suddenly he saw gambar Qaira kat desktop..then he said to my fren;
The stupid HEAd : Ini anak dia ker? U padam gambar nie.. I geli nak tengok!
Kavitha : Kenapa u cakap mcm nie? Tak baik tau...
And Kavitha, direct call me and mengadu that the Stupid head ckp mcm nie pd I.. So, being a super gojes mommy; I called him directly;
Me : Kenapa kau kurang ajar sangat cakap yg kau geli tengok muka anak aku? Kalau kau tak suka, kau padam jer la. Tak payah ko nak kutuk-kutuk.
The Stupid Head : Mana ada I ckp mcm tue.. I main-main sajer..
Me : Just imagine kalau aku kutuk isteri kau yg muka buruk, gigi berterabur jongang.. muka mcm hanjeng.. sakit hati tak?
The Stupid Head : Eh, u jangan ckp mcm nie.. I tak ckp mcm tue kat anak u...
Me : Kau tak payah nak buat alasan. Kavitha already told me about this. Jangan kurang ajar.. This is my last warning; kalau kau cari pasal lagi dan cakap benda-benda yg aku tak suka nak dengar, engkau dengan company2 tue sekali aku tahu la apa nak buat.
Then, tanpa dengar sepatah haram dr dia, I hang up the phone. Puas hati aku! Pehal nak kutuk2 anak plak ni kan! Then he tried to call me back banyak kali.. but I refused to answer.. padan muka kau!
And the best things is; hahahah.. I berjaya cakap Kau Aku with him! Hahahah.. I rasa puas! If for temporary jer, at least I puas! See? Tak professional langsung kan? Memang padan muka kau! Hahahaha...
Ok, back to the story.. I really hate him! I rasa mcm nak tampal jer gambar dia kat sini. Tapi takpelah.. I dah resign nie dah cukup bagus membuatkan dia derita.. So, lepas nie I hope no more sakit hati dengan keja I.. and focus on my biz.. Insyaallah.. ! Pray for me ya!
Lov y all,