Currently, I'm addicted to.........
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Yes, currently I'm addicted to










OMG! I just can;t take my eyes over all of mOmma products! This is something that catch my eyes setelah saya bergelar ibu. I mean, I'm a fans of Tommee Tippee before.. and till now..  (Maaflah Avent, saya tak minat kamu...hihihihi)... But, after I saw all products by mOmma, it's really cute! I cepat suka something with unfamiliar design.. someone that created this product adalah sangat CREATIVE for me!

Bercadang nak tukar TT Qaira ke mOmma..but Qaira nie jenis yg tak suka tukar ke botol lain..nanti she refused to use the bottles. Nak jadi cerita, I'm looking for a new sipcups since the last one Qaira tak berapa suka and when I saw mOmma have cups with straw, I was thinking twice sama ada nak beli ke tak nie.. FYI, Qaira refused to drink air biasa dlm bottles..she prefer cawan minum mcm org besar but always la tersedak kan..hihihi... and after I pikir n pikir (this sip cups is expensive lol... RM50 for the sip cups kira mahal la kan..) I just tawakal and hope Qaira will love this!

So, I bought her;








Qaira punya in blue.. Oh! I was hoping that they have this in pink..tapi takde.. Biru pun oklah! isn't it cute?

And the good news is, Qaira love the cup to the max! Agagagaga... Yes, dia sambil jalan bawak cups nie dengan gigit straw nie.. hahaha.. so funny! Oh, just look at the straw! Masa mula-mula dapat jenuh pikir, manalah lubang straw nie.. and kalau nak tahu, try la beli! It's fun for me yg ala-ala jakun nie.. seriously, it's a good product and my RM50 is a worth buying!!!!!!!

Aha, they have a feeding bottles too! Just see how cute it is!

Oh! Droolinggggggg!!!!!!!! (Ini bukan beg LV yer missAmie...ekekekeke)

Now, I'm in the middle to train Qaira to use 100% cups.. hope after this she can drink her milk without bottles! Berusaha keras nie!

Aha, besides mOmma, ada banyak lagi new products yg meruntun hati! Antaranya:

The stainless steel bottles from OrganicKidz! Oh, drooling lagi! the best things about this product, they have 2 types of bottles! One, we called it as wide mouthed bottles! Ha, if ur baby cerewet mcm Qaira kan about the teats, this wide mouthed are compatible with the following brand name accessories:

o Mam
o Nubby Non-Drip
o Dr. Brown's Natural Flow
o Avent
Nipples and Sippy Spoutso Think Baby - Nipples and Sippy Spoutso Chicco Anti-Colic Siliconeo Born Free

And, the narrow necked bottles are compatible with:

o Evenflo Silicone Classic
o Green to Grow Silicone
o Momo Baby
o Gerber Rubber Model 76226
o Nuk Gerber Silicone - Does not leak, but may spill a tiny amount of fluid when the nipple and ring are removed.
o Nubby Non-Drip Nipples - Does not leak, but may spill a tiny amount of fluid when the nipple and ring are removed.
o Medela - Nipple and Ring are compatible together. Individual Medela products are not compatible with organicKidz™ rings.

Hish, klu muat teats TT, dah lama beli jugak! Sayangnya!

And, another one (which I blog this during my pregnancy..kira-kira dah almost 1 1/2 year... nak cari entry tue dah malas la..), is Iiamo bottles!

This is really minimalis design! Serius it's nice! And it it intelligent too! So, I wanna call this bottles as a i-bottles (bukan i-phone jer ok). Why I'm calling this as I-Bottles? Because it is intelligent and can self-warming without any electricity! (Jimat duit dah tak payah beli warmer). And the design sangatlah futuristik! Hiks!

So, tunggu adik Qaira jela pasni... tapi tak tahu bila..ekekeke...

p/s- I'm writing this based on my preference. Lain org, lain citarasa ok!



salam amie...
nak tanya mcm mana nak order momma tu? di malaysia ada jual ke?
nurul wat macam nie belikan raina MAM products utk bottle susu n soothers dan lain2

tp skrg nie masalah nurul yg nurul perasan puting bottle susu MAM tu mudah melakat segala lebihan susu dan lama-kelamaan. so benda tak boleh tanggal w/pun kita rebus ke apa ke.

tu yg ingat nak tukar sbb nurul pun tak suka brand avent sbb puting dia jenis bulat kan. raina dr kecik mmg pakai puting jenis leper. jenis bulat dia tak mahu.


babe, i pun dok menggila ni tgk all the bottles...TP mcm iiamo tuh dah la mahal, tp botol nye 180ml jer...
Bottle momma tuh best kan??...Zara pun suka gak, tk lepas2 klu pegang botol tu...Tp yg tak best nye botol tuh dah ilang 1 masa kat playground kelmarin...SOb sob...

masjuliana|masjuju said...

my daughter had one of orange momma feeding bottle. her mommy loves it! hehe..

Mrs. Amie said...

Nurul : I rasa dah ada baby store kat luar sana yg jual this product.. except for organickidz tue.. kena beli internationally la kan.. dengan Iiamo gak.. but i mcm biasa akan beli kat bbstore.. sbb dah kawtim dengan bos dia every product baru dia akan update..hiks!

Aira, this to the max! nice kan?

Masjuliana : oh ya... its really interesting design.. so nice..

Mummy ZaraZarif said...

cute momma xdelgi..xthu nkbli ktne...

yg iiamo tu, during my trip to jkt aritu, my fren kirim kt i..sne murah...

tp s'pore lgi murah..

[ Hanie ] said...

hadoi, byk nye rupe paras dan jenis :P
mmg rambang dan jatuh cinta tgk colorfull bottle ni. Adeh, kene try jgk ni satu hari nnt:)

sayahappyslalu said...

i pulak suka munchkin product.. huhu..takde lain semua barang untuk baby..