- Cord blood collection is a simple, quick and painless process that neither interferes nor complicates the delivery process;
- Cord blood stem cells are generally preferred in stem cells transplantation, because they offer a lower complication rate compared to bone marrow transplantation;
- The baby’s cord blood stem cells that are stored with a private cord blood bank, can be readily made available should the need arises. This eliminates the time needed to search for a matching donor’s stem cells and allows treatment to begin promptly;
- The baby’s cord blood stem cells guarantee a 100% perfect match for the baby and can potentially increase the odds of having a match for their siblings and parents;
- Cord blood stem cells are recognised as one of the most promising medical treatments for the future. Currently, expecting parents can store their baby’s cord blood, which can then be used to treat over 80 different types of diseases.
Taken from here.
Kiranya, if aku n husband nak sign up utk our baby, benefit dia bagus in future... siap boleh share lagi dengan adik beradik dia pasni...so, kiranya kita simpan stem cell nie utk baby yg 1st nie, then in future if anything sakit apa2 yg bahaya yg ada pd baby n adik2 dia, boleh guna 1 stem cells jer..
What do u think? Sbb skrg nie, mcm2 penyakit ada... in future kita tak tahu apa yg jadi kan? To elaborate, stem cells nie kiranya sel yg tdapat dalam tubuh kita yang boleh diguna pakai in future (kalau kita simpan).. kiranya stem cells nie adalah master cells yg ada dalam badan yg menjadikan sel2 lain seperti sel otak, nerves, muscles n mcm2 lagi.
Kalau nak conclude dengan ayat sendiri, bila kita simpan cord blood baby kita nie, KALAU in future dia dpt penyakit berbahaya spr kanser, leukimia etc, so, tak payah cari penderma ke apa ker utk sel dia.. sbb kita dah simpan dan guna pakai balik yg kita punya... clear tak? susah tu nak explain...hahaha...
Ada 2 bulan lagi boleh pikir samada nak sign up ke tak nak.. benefitnya sgt bagus!
ade tgk dlm majalah tiga kalau tak silap..bagus kalau adeq beradik anak kita ade masalah kesihatan..but not really sure...agak mahalkan..tp boleh selamatkan nyawa anak kita yg lain...
me to maria : aah mahal sket.. but just utk 1st baby jer.. pastu yg lain boleh share.. and kira gak bape bank yg kita nak bukak...cam bagus kan maria...
Urmm..Yeahh I heard about this! Guess what, I pernah terfikir jugak.Tp masa u belum pregnant lagi lah.Mcm insurance jugakla kan.
Bnyk Pros jugak tp ada cons jugak kan.
Ada certain articles kata, maybe infant tu akan mudah kena anemia sbb extracting cord blood can divert as much as 180ml (usually about 100mL) from the infant. The amount of blood taken is equal to half of the total blood volume of the child.
Urm, aper2 pun, U ibunya, U tau aper the best tuk anak you.Anyway, kalau u buat, let me know pls..I mmg seryes nak tauu jugak :-)
me to jetsetter : Yer ker babe ada side effect.. yg nie yg tak best..mm, well, kena survey banyak2 info lagi nie.. will let u know if anything..thanks for sharing!
babe, i heard about this too! kat an-nur ada pamplet pasal cord blood bank nih.. i ada amik x silap! nnt i try scan ke take picture ke camne n tunjuk okeh! btw.. i pun dok terfikir nak buat gak! sbb cam elok kan.. for future! tp tu lah.. i kene survey2 gak dulu benefits dia sbb my husband bz so dia soh I yg checkkan.. huhuhu sabo jer! hehehe.. apa2, share2 okeh.. take care! :)
me to the mrs-bride : yes,kena share info nie.. coz i pun tak tahu banyak..nnt u tunjuk okeh!
Just my 2 cents, am a silent reader. Think you better look at your family history your side and your husband's side. If any past history of sickness that runs in the family like cancer etc, then maybe good idea to invest in cord blood banking.
me to anonymous : thanks for ur words dear! really help me in making a decision!
My sis signed up for this stem cell program masa her last baby! Just for the sake of, sediakan payung sblm hujan! =)
Amie, everytime bile ada baby, advisable to sign up ke or only once je eh? I'm curious to know! =P
me to Aku : babe, org tu kata sekali sahaja utk 1 anak sbb boleh guna utk anak2 yg lain.. so tak pyh membazir gi bt utk sume anak..bukan murah dek non...agaga
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