Party Hat for guest!
Thursday, June 24, 2010


Last nite, I customized guest party hat for Qaira's party! I bought a plain colourful party hat but it seems so dull. So, menggunakan barang-barang yg dah sedia ada, I buat some deco on the hat so that nampak ceria sket. So, here we goes!

Barang-barang yg diperlukan ialah:

a) Colourful party hat
b) Kain net purple and pink
c) Gunting
d) Gam UHU
e) Dawai size 26
f) Tag that I personalized for Qaira's party (can order thru MG!)
g) Many types of colourful ribbon

Mula-mula, potong kain net 4 segi kecil. Then, lipat-lipat dia sampai jadi mcm gambar di atas. Yg color pink pun buat sama camni jugak.

Then, potong ribbons yg ada tadi, kemudian susunlah mcm gambar di atas. Then ikat dengan dawai 26 tadi. Ok?

Then, buka party hat tue, masukkan ribbon and kain net tadi.

Then, paste personalized tag tadi kat party hat tue. Ikut lah cara masing-masing camna nak paste ya.

And last, taaadaaaaaaaaa! Simple one yet look so nice! (at least for me. hahaha)

Ok, that;s all! Sorry ya.. mutu gambar kurang memuaskan cause I just ambil gambar nie thru hp camera jer.. 

Hiks! Till now, bye!

Huh! Kenapakah? Mengapakah?
Monday, June 21, 2010

Kenapa lately ni I sudah lama tak berbloghoping meninjau perihal kengkawan?

Ya Allah.. I was so busy like a beeeee!

As u know, nak update blog pun dah jarang-jarang! Apatah lagi nak tinjau blog kamu, kamu semua yg I sayang!


I wish I have a lot of time to spend with you, you and you! Will try to update later!

Happy Father's Day Abah!
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dear Abah,

Lama Qaira tak tulis surat since Mama was so busy even Mama tak keja dah skrg... Tapi Mama tetap busy and I know sbb Mama tetap nak cari duit together with Abah. Qaira tak kisah sangat sbb Mama busy pun dia tetap ada sbelah Qaira.. which make me still feel secure!


Happy Father's Day!!!!! Ha, Qaira tahu this is your 1st time sambut hari bapa as a father! Qaira nak Abah tahu that Qaira loves u so much! Thanks a lot for everything! Qaira tahu u work so hard for me and Mama... Qaira tahu setiap weekday Abah penat bila balik dr keja. Semua untuk Qaira and Mama... Jasa Abah untuk Qaira selama 11 bulan nie, tak terkira and tak ternilai! Even baru 11 bulan Abah berjasa pd Qaira, tapi Qaira rasa bersyukur sangat2! Thanks a lot Abah!

Mmmm, Qaira ingat lagi 1st time Qaira tgk Abah.. Masa tue kat hospital. Qaira pun tak tahu apa jadi masa tue.. Tapi yang pasti bila Qaira keluar je dr perut Mama, Qaira tgk ramai org busy sana sini tgk Qaira... tapi bila sampai 1 tahap semua perkara dah reda, keluar dr bilik operation tue, Qaira rasa nak nangis sbb dorang bawak Qaira jauh dr Mama.. tapi bila Qaira keluar dr pintu OT, Qaira tgk ada seorang lelaki bermuka cemas yg sibuk dtg kat Qaira and tanya pada salah seorang kat situ;

"Nie anak saya ker?"

Dr saat tue, Qaira yakin, lelaki yg tanya banyak soalan tue la yg Qaira rasa akan protect Qaira masa kat dunia nie.. And, it's true! Until now Qaira rasa selamat bersama Abah!!!!!!!

Ok Abah, u have done a lot of things for 11 months so far.. u did a great job! Well done! Qaira was so happy sebab dapat Abah mcm Abah Qaira nie... Thank u a lot Abah Qaira akan sayang Abah sampai bila-bila... U're the greatest dad in the world! And Abah perlu yakin tue! Qaira tak dpt balas jasa Abah at the moment. Tapi Qaira yakin, 1 hari nanti, Qaira dapat berjasa dengan Abah seperti mana Abah berjasa dengan Qaira.. Qaira akan ingat tue sampai bila2! lOVE U ABAH N MAMA FOREVER!

With lots of love,

Qaira Jasmine.

p/s - atas ihsan Mama selaku translator.

Mama, Qaira nak baju raya?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hiks.. ! Heylow peeps!

Title camni, boleh guna pakai after Qaira dah boleh cakap! Hihihi..time tu mmg pengsan la kalau dia dah boleh demand nak baju raya sendiri kan?

Well, I dah start cari something utk baju raya Qaira. As usual, I love something different sbb lebih menampakkan ke'gedix'an nya kan? Hahaha.. boleh? Sila jgn muntah darah.. I dunno la. I nie mmg la suka something yg different.. and nicee.. jenuhlah I google until I saw something that caught my eyes! Hihihi..

Taaadaaaaaaaa... really cute eyhhh... It's from Liz Othman Kidswear!

Something different kan? The top of baju kurung tue really nice.. mmm, I'm not sure la kain apa..but I think it has something embroidery kan.. jenis timbul tue what we call them..haha..I pun tak sure..  Oh! I love all the collection from Liz Othman! She's really talented! All her collection is simple, something 'gypsy' and lain dr yg lain!

And, to match with the baju kurung, I bought fabric designer from Patty Young.. Kain yg R13 tue I bought for Qaira but kena tunggu la.. kain tu pun belum sampai lagi dr tunah tampah darah kain tersebut ;) Hope it will be something that turn out gojessss!

And, I menaruh sepenuh kepercayaan pada Liz Othman Kidswear! Oh! By the way, she also saw something cute for boys!

Taadaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Cute jubah for little baby! 

Comelkan! So, why wait! Silalah terjah Liz Othman Kidswear sementara dia mengambil order! Jgn lupa inform, I yg recommend kan! Hahaha.. Till now, bubye!

p/s - Nak cari baju raya I, terus malas! Hissshhhh.... Ke Jakel later la..!

It's Party time! ~ Almost lah..~
Friday, June 11, 2010

Heylow darling,

I'm so excited and really have fun in planning Qaira's party! At the same time, I just can't believe that my anak dara will turn 1 in 3 weeks time! Oh! How time fliessss...

Besides all the party thingy, now I'm in the middle to list out the party guest. Some of the guest memang adalah tetamu yg wajib dtg! Hiks! Which they know and close with me and Qaira..of course husband too! But, to those who think that you might and can come to celebrate Qaira's party, do drop ur e-mail address here or just e-mail me at Mana tahu kita tak pernah jumpa b4 nie so that during Qaira's party we can meets up. But, unfortunately it is very limited guest party.. so, those yang e-mail me first, then I will RSVP for you.. Ok? (Please no heart feeling eyh.. kalau banyak bajet, semua I ajak..hiks!)

Insyaallah the party will be on:

Date : 10th July 2010 
          (Qaira's birthday is on 6th and our 2nd anniversary is on 4th! So, it's double celebration!)

Time : 4pm - 6pm
(It will be 2 hours party. Mmm, I tak nak panjangkan masa party tue..As this party will involve the babies. So, please come early and the cake cutting will start on 4.30 - 4.45 pm..Insyaallah..)

Theme : Bugs Colourful theme party
(Parents please wear colourful outfit. While little girl, those who have tutu, kindly wear it on that date. And little boys, any shirt with any bugs printed on it would be nice. However, it is not compulsary.. Please feel free to come and celebrate the day with Qaira!)

Venue : Taman Ehsan, Kepong
(Will be held at my MIL's house. Map and address will be provided with the e-invitation card that I will sent it to you!)

So, see you there!

Yeay! I received thisss......
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Aha, lupa nak bgtahu... last week I received this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Parcel..parcel! Apakah????

Then, still not open yet! Weehuuuu...  
(opsss..sila abaikan tangan budak bucuk yg sibuk dengan kedatangan parcel atas nama Qaira Jasmine nie...)

And third packing pun still tak nampak lagi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Guess what? Qaira's tutu is ready! Yeay!!!!!!! 
 Hihihi... But, tak boleh reveal lagi the color of tutu..
See Qaira with her tutu during her birthday ok? I'm so excited. The tutu that I received was so 'CANTIK' and suit Qaira very well...
(Dah tentu I order size 2 yrs for Qaira..if not mesti tak muat kalau size 1 yr..good decision making..hiks!)

p/s - The happiest person mestilah Qaira.. bila I test pakaikan kat dia, terus dia joget-joget and sengih sampai telinga.. hihi.. so clever girl!

Sibuk berbisnes!
Monday, June 7, 2010

Ok, kan I cakap I have a hectic weekend due to musim-cuti-sekolah-org-kawen. And selain 39 dulang hantaran fresh flowers yg nak di gubah mcm nak tercabut kaki, tangan, pinggang dan sebagainya, dapatlah jua siapkan 1 pelamin with hubby, and my sis n adik ipar ku even dia lagi tua dr ku.. hahaha..

How to handle W-A-H-M (working at home mother) semasa membuat all the hantaran and pelamin? Aha, sabelah tangan mendukung Qaira and another cucuk bunga. That is why my extra energy dah keluar gara-gara Qaira yg tak nak duduk and main sorang-sorang! I'm so happy dengan apa yg I buat. Even, it is difficult to handle Qaira - and - bunga, but I know now that I'm superwoman. Hihihi.. Susah tau! But, i sabar!

And besides the hantaran yang u all boleh tgk kat sini; below pics adalah pelamin that I managed to siapkan with my team!

It is Garden theme engagement! How does it look? Suka?

Mmmm, another pelamin this weekend.. I need to go la for shopping ya.. till now.. dada

Qaira is 11mths young!

Weeeeee... lama tak update blog. Blog ni ala2 terabai. Nanti duit nuffnang tak gerak, I kecewa..hehehe... And takut terlepas tumbesaran anak dara I, Qaira Jasmine. Hiks!

Bukan apa, ingat senang jer duduk rumah. Rupanya lagi takde masa. Qaira skrg....waaahhhh..mcm bos.. nak berkepit 24 jam. Pastu ngamuk2 dengan I if I tak dpt nak puaskan hati dia. Ada jer yg tak kena. Tapi bila Abah dia balik, taaadaaaaaaaa.. automatic dia jadi baik and behave.. See? Sampai Abah dia rasa maybe I nie sajer jer nak buat citer pasal anak dara dia Si Qaira Jasmine nie.. hihihi... notty tul skrg!

Alhamdulillah, staying at home okla. Last week, mmg busy sgt. I need to siapkan 39 dulang hantaran + 1 pelamin gara-gara cuti sekolah yg memenatkan. Then, on Saturday berlari ke Teluk Intan to attend cousin's wedding.. mak aiii.. letih n penat! Lagi-lagi mendukung Qaira yg mantap bersama 3inch heels adalah satu kerja bodoh yang pasni I tak nak buat lagi. Hahaha..

Last 2 weeks, pegi Cameron pulak on Sunday. Saje jalan-jalan hilang stress! Layan gambar gi Cameron kat bawah nie ok. Serius I paling last pegi Cameron masa umur 5 tahun. So, I dun have any memories pasal Cameron. Best jugak and so exciteddd! (Mcm jakun jer kan...hahaha)

Ini Qaira. Yg bila masa dia dah letih duduk atas car seat dia, duduk kat bawah mcm nie mmg jadi fav!! Hahaha.. Nasiblah..

We stayed at Strawberry Park! Nice place!

Depan our hotel room...

Hydrangeas here and there.. ohhh sgt drooling tgk hydrangeas nie...

Muka baru bangun tido...

Qaira was the happier person kat Cameron nie...dia kan tak boleh panas.. bila semua org tido pakai selimut berkelubung, dia selamba jer tak payah pakai selimut semua.. mana dia suka.. hishh..

At Strawberry farm...

Tapi takde pun strawberry nya...yg ada hanya salad-salad...


At Kea Farm!

Flowers, flowers!

Item wajib beli and it's yummy!

Borong jer..masanya tak pun.. hahhaa.. bought veggies for Qaira~

Kepenatan and behave!

Qaira with me! Rambut I yg selalu jadi tarikan Qaira! Harus pendek selepas ini! Tak tahan la!

Behave kan? Boleh tahan sejam dua jer.. pastu, habislahhhhh.............

Aha, since Qaira dah 11 bulan now nie, I guess it is the right time for me to train Qaira using potty chair. Lagi-lagi I kan ada kat rumah, hope it works! Hiks!

Hope berjaya! Usaha keras diperlukan! So far, bila I suruh dia duduk when poo poo dia ok.. Dia ikut jer!

Oh! Main hp adalah hobi Qaira! Hahaha..if jadi camni, mmg I akan gelak giler-giler...And this type of technique mmg I kena praktik... since Qaira klu nak dapatkan hp akan lakukan apa sajer....

The baby bjorn potty train that I'm looking for right now! The pink one seems  so green tu pun nice eyh!

Mmm, well, Qaira's birthday is 1 month from now.. I'm so excited that my little tiny baby skrg dah grow up dengan cepatnya.. Dah almost 1 year.. i missed her during her baby time.. so sweet! Kan? And right now, I'm busy nak design kek for Qaira and confirm order from the vendor. And, busy preparing the deco for the party and the food too! Huisshhh.. But, it will be a small party among relatives n frens jer.. So, dun assume a big birthday party for Qaira eyhh.. hiks!

Gummy 'Candelier' Anyone?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Huiissshh...while I surf and surf for deco of birthday party; I found this!

Nice 'candelier'! It's colourful!

And it is made from gummy tho! Aduhaiiiii...

Yes, it takes 2 months to finish this. I guess, if I buat la, gummy tue semua masuk dalam mulut dulu b4 jadi chandelier..hiks!

Oh! Qaira... kalaulah chandelier nie ada di majlis harijadi mu nanti............... (hihihihihi) ~mode berangan~

Image : google

My dear blog

Heylow peeps,

Just got back from our holidays.. cuti-cuti Malaysia jer... dun worry..

Will update later! Laundry comes first!