It's time for P.A.W.T.Y
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hihihi... Yes, it's gonna be on April!

Qaira had been invited to join birthday pawty!!!!!!!!!!!

Berturut-turut pulak birthday party nya.. pengsan I.. hihihihi

Qaira received her first birthday invitation from Mummy Putra, Suzan! Thanks Suzan sbb jemput kitorang. But, unfortunately on 3rd April, I keja because of big big meeting (meeting katanya....) kat my company nih! So, tak dapat nak join! Hope Putra dapat tiup lilin dengan jayanya! And, birthday card Putra tue di pos atas nama Qaira Jasmine! So, Qaira received her 1st mail from Mummy Putra! hahaha... funny la..

Andddd.... on the next week, 10th April... Sarah will turning 1!!!!!!! Haii.. semuanya sambut 1st birthday bash nie..mesti meriah!!!!! Hihihihi...  Thanks to Ezan cause invite us personally... Whoot Whoott... Kitorang pasti dtg ok! And hope, your planning tue semua menjadi ok! i've been chit chat with Ezan kat FB rancang birthday Sarah...mestilah pening Ezan.. banyak benda nk pikir kan? hahaha.. no worries.. harap semuanya akan berjalan dengan lancar! Ok?

And.. the 3rd invitation comes from Mama Adam Harris! Your e-invitation cantiklah Shila.. sgt cute lol! Kak Amie suka sgt-sgt! hahaha... mm, Sila count us in ok.. Sebab rumah yang tak seberapa jarak dengan umah Kak Amie nie, pastilah kitorang akan dtg memeriahkan birthday bash Dr.Adam Harris nie! pastu, sape yg dtg nanti, and cari umah Shila pasti tak sesat bil dtg umah I pulak.. hihihi.. she's my junior la! Hahaha..

Ok, ok.. silalah jemput Qaira lagi.. mak dia sebok nak attend bday org! Happy la.. nak tgk reaksi bday baby yg tak tahu apa-apa tue...hahaha.. Can't imagine muka Qaira nnt! Wahhh...xcited la skrg!

p/s- i bukan glam pun.. so, sape yg ajak tuh i plak teruja over u ollss... hahaha

Cake's vendor
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm looking for any vendor yang boleh buat cake yg cantik! Hahaha.. misi mencari kek untuk Qaira telah bermula.

I suka kalau org tue pandai buat mix buttercream cake with fondant. Design cun-cun. Affordable.. I mean harga tak mengarut.. 

Yg pasti, dia mesti ada x-factor dlm membuat kek... tak semua org ada camni tau... hahahaha

Any links, web address or any oipnions on this, silalah drop your comment! I really need one.. Yg I tgh cari skrg, so far oklah.. cuma kalau dapat yg lagi best, makkk gembira u olllssssss.......

Thank You.

Image : Google

Qaira needs Shoes la Mama!

Alahai.. siannya anak I.. anak org lain agaknya bersepah kasut. Qaira?

Mmmm, I guess I nie tak fanatic into baby shoes. Ok, sehari b4 beranakkan Qaira, I've made shopping giler2 sebab time tue Mothercare ada sale. Belilah 1 kasut size 2 (9mths) from Mothercare. Ada hati beli yg besar so that nnt lama sket baru boleh pakai.

Lepas jer Qaira keluar, hadiah bertimbun2 yg dia dapat. Tapi sayangnya org yg bagi Qaira kasut sorang jer. Thanks to Cik Kiah yg dtg visit Qaira sekaligus nak amik tempahan kek time tu. Dialah yg bagi Qaira kasut comey color cream. Then, masa dalam pantang tak tahu nak buat apa, I bought Qaira's shoes (knitted) size newborn so that dia boleh pakai kasut!

Mmm, excited kasut yg I order online tue, terus bagi Qaira pakai. Al-kisahnya time tue tak muat pulak..I mean longgra la..  Size 0-3mths.. so try on 2nd month, dah muat tapi asyik tercabut jugak. Maknanya longgar sket la. Then, I try lagi on 3rd month! Tahu2 tak muat sudah! Sabar jerla.. Beza sebulan jer terus kasut tue tak muat. Al-kisahnya masuk balik dlm wardrobe.

Then, during her 4 mths, bagilah dia pakai kasut yg Cik Kiah bagi. Cik Kiah, kasut yg u bagi tue mmg comey siap ada riben ikat2 lagi. Hahaha.. Tak salah tue size small.. so dlm 0-6mths size kasut tu. Try pakai belum muat until dah 5 mths, bagi Qaira pakai terus tak boleh masuk! Apa nie???? Mak pasrah u ollssss... Sekali lagi simpan jerla untuk adik Qaira plak.

Cadangannya during her 6mths, I baru ingat yg I ada beli sepadang kasut from Mothercare masa sehari b4 dia lahir tue. Terus cari balik sbb I ingat lagi I bought 9mths punya size. Excited teruja nak pakaikan Qaira kasut terhenti di situ saja apabila I try pakaikan kasut 9mths tue, dia tak muat jugakkkk!!!!!! Sila pengsan!

During her 6mths, dah tak boleh pakai kasut 9mths! Mcm mana tue? Terus mak pasrah lagi u ollsss..

3 tue jer la kasut Qaira until now I tak pernah nak beli. Ntah, I was worried bila pakai terlebih longgar. Then bila nak try lagi langsung tak muat dah. Hehehe.. Sekarang I teringin sangat nak tgk dia pakai kasut. Lagi2 dia dah tunjuk tanda-tanda nak berjalan. Oh! Poor my lil Qaira! kenapa I tak pernah nak bagi dia pakai kasut! I mcm tak ingat langsung bout this!

Mmmm, weekend nie bolehlah beli kasut Qaira sepasang lagi. Cubaan terakhir! Hahaha.. Kena beli bawak Qaira supaya boleh try muat ker tak. If not, tak tahulah... I guess kaki Qaira nie panjang mcm kaki I kot!

I'm in size 8 lol!

Cute kan?
Friday, March 26, 2010

I nak tengok Qaira pakai mcm nie during her birthday party.  Hahaha.. sian.. rimas ker apa ker.. kena pakai jugak!

Image : credit to crazybabyboutique.

Qaira's first toothpaste
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ok, gigi Qaira tetap 2.. sampai skrg pun tetap 2.. Bila nak tumbuh lagi I'm not sure. Lambat lagi agaknya.

Nie, Qaira's first toothbrush! 

I start using this when Qaira 3 mths young. Even takde gigi lagi, I brush jerla. Especially bahagian tounge. Sebab ada susu yg lekat kat situ kan. So, dapat bersihkan mulut dia dari sisa-sisa susu tue...

And sekarang bila Qaira dah makan solid food, Abah dia claimed yg mulut dia bucuk! Hahaha.. yerla.. dah makan kan.. sebenarnya bau air liur dia la Abah! Ish, Abah Qaira nie pun 1...Banyak benar complaint. Tapi I suka bau mulut Qaira.. bau yg sedap! Hahaha..

Disebabkan Abah dia dah complaint, so smlm I bought Qaira's first tooth paste pulak!

Ha! Nie Qaira's first tooth paste!

Ok, tooth paste nie sebenarnya for ages 3 mths and older. So, memang safe for baby. I baru nak guna. Sebab skrg nie dia dah ada gigi, so bolehlah start guna tooth paste pulak. 

The best thing pasal toothpaste nie ialah:

  • Di buat dr Protective Milk Enzymes
  • Ada natural calciums and fruits flavor
  • No saccharin and fluoride
  • No artificial colors and preservatives
  • Safe to swallow

Ok, bila pakai toothpaste nie bolehlah bersihkan gigi and gums Qaira secara lembut untuk buang starches, sugars and other foods. Kiranya makanan yg tersekat kat mulut baby nie mcm plaque la for adult... so kita kena bersihkan harmful bacteria dalam mulut baby. Fisrt teeth baby toothpaste nie, is the first 100% natural antibacterial enzymes toothpaste yg lindungi mulut baby like mother's breast milk does. So, bila berus mulut Qaira with toothpaste nie, akan menolong melawan bakteria yg notty, early tooth decay, and menolong menjaga pernafasan baby biar harum dan segar kemanisan..hehehe.. 
Cara nak gunakan, just picit sket jer toothpaste nie kat toothbrush tadi..then gosok2 la dalam mulut dia, gigi and gums!

Ok,. bye!

5 weeks pregnant!

OMG! I was happy when I knew that Qaira will have a
















Cousin la of course!

Takkan adik kot! nope nope! Nope at the moment...

My sis gave us a good news yesterday when she's now in 5 weeks of pregnancy!

But, as usual la.. I suruh dia jaga elok dulu coz it's too early kan.. Takut ada apa-apa.. But I hope, nothing happen to her and the lil pumpkin dlm perut tuh! My husband and I was so happy that Qaira akan ada 'askar' kat bawah dia nnt... Let see serabutnya when all families are together dengan suara baby and Qaira! Mmmm, tiba-tiba I happy mcm I pulak yg pregnant! Oh! I ingat lagi, when I knew that I'm pregnant, Qaira is just 4 weeks young dlm perut tuh... hahahaha...Mmm, I pray lil tiny tue akan kuat and membesar dengan sihatnya dalam perut! Congrats 2 u sis and Atim!

p/s - Huh, Qaira during 8 mths nie, wah bukan main lagi... dengar lagu, dah joget2 yer.. I have no idea siapa yg ajar dia.. but it;s a good improvement.. ! I was thinking for baby's music class.

How to enjoy my coffee..
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bahan-bahannya adalah :

1- Boiling water

2- Blender

I rembat blender Qaira jer..hahaha

3- Coffee

Any types of coffee la.. Davidoff pun sodap!

4- Dutch Lady UHT Full Cream Milk

Ni gambar hiasan.. jgnlah pulak guna strawberry ya.. those yg diet bolehlah guna Low Fatt.. tapi lagi yummy kalau FULL CREAM!

5- 1 teaspoon of sugar

Kalau nak berspoon-spoon pun boleh... but, kurangkan gula dalam minuman adalah terbaik! hihihihi

6- Hershey's Chocolate Syrup

7- Whipped Cream

Ini contoh whipped cream ya.. korang pepandai la cari sendiri.. malas nak google brand yg I guna tuh!

Cara-caranya adalah :

  • Tuang air panas dalam cawan. Sukatan dia setengah cawan
  • Masukkan 1 setengah sudu kecik coffee yg u all guna tuh.. I suka kalau pekat.. so depends la u all nak buat cmna kan..
  • Masukkan satu sudu kecil gula.. ni pun terpulanglah kalau nak manis ker apa ker..
  • Then, kacau masukkan dalam blender korang la.. 
  • Pastu masukkan Hershey's Choc Syrup dalam blender tadi.. sekali press bottle tue ok..
  •  Masukkan half cup susu FULL CREAM Dutch Lady tue..
  • Kemudian, blend like nobody business.. hahaha
  • Keluarkan, tuang dalam cawan balik
  • And press whipped cream kat atas buih-buih cinta tadi...












My Mocha Coffee... Really made my day!
(Jimat duit dr gi Starbucks jer memanjang...)

Image : Google.

Dah dapat u ollsss...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I dah dapat interview tuh!

Lompat! lompat!

I hope sangat I dapat keja tue.. I tahu this one might be a challenging punya interview since I mintak different position.. Better income... Yerla, mana ada org senang2 nak bagi income banyak if keja main2 kan? So, i hope sangat to myself, I boleh buat!!

Ya Allah, kabulkanlah permintaan ku ini.

Semua tolong doa untuk I yer.. Aminnnn....

Tetiba jer i nervous nak gi interview nih! Huhuhu

p/s - Uuu, to those yg e-mail and PM i kat FB tanya asal update blog yang tak best jer lately nie, tunggu ya.. I skrg workload bertambah sbb my company nie buli I.. then, another probs2 lain yg memeningkan kepala.. nnt la I strory kenapa dengan dunia blogging nie.. and kenapa juga dengan myself yg agak huru hara lately nie..

Sila sambung...
Monday, March 22, 2010

If I stop blogging, ......................... 
(I tue merujuk kepada missamie.blogspot... bukan u all tau)

Silalah sambung by drop your comment here ok!

Thank You!

Thank You to those who sending me your wedding invitation
Friday, March 19, 2010

I guess my blog nie untuk mak-mak jer..hahah

But, lately I received a lot of wedding invitation from bride to be out there. the best things is I have no idea who you are. But I guess you're one of my blog reader yg tak pernah nak komen sbb tak tahu nak komen apa (nama pun blog mak-mak kan..),  or ada yg blogger frens from my sis.. Sebabnya they invited Qaira as well. And ada yang drop kat my e-mail asking for my home address to sent out their invitation.

Anyway, THANKS A LOT FOR YOUR WEDDING INVITATION tue! I was so honored being invited by all of you. I know some are MG's fans.. FANS ker? hahaha... 

Anyway, I will try to attend your invitation. But, lain kali kalau invite, tolonglah letak siapa kamu and dari mana blog kamu tuh! When I received those cards, I mcm;

"Sape nie? Kawan lama ker? Tak ingat sape nie? and bla bla quoestions yg bermain2 difikiran. 

Ok... so many invitations!!!!!!


Received this from Siti! thanks babe..

Here are the rules to accept the award :
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.

2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic

3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award

4. State 7 things about yourself.Well, here are 7 things about myself

  • I know how to make money! Alhamdulillah..
  • I;m sensitive
  • I love to shop and good food!
  • My interest; Qaira, handbags, shoes and money.. hahaha
  • I can't live without my husband and my family
  • I love RED and WHITE very mucho!
  • I love to cook but I hate to clean up the messy things after cooking.. malas sgt!
Now I'm passing this award to other bloggers with the most wonderful blogs ..

  1. Wina
  2. Ezan
  3. Nurul
  4. Ida
  5. Nana
  6. Nissa
  7. Zatty
  8. Ielya
  9. Sab
  10. Lisa
  11. Hanie
  12. Amy adikku!
  13. June
  14. Mrs Hilmy
  15. Kamu yg tgh baca blog nie sekarang! i really appreciate kamu!

Blogger & brides Gathering '10
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

When? 27th.March.2010
Time? 2pm - 6pm
Where? Daisy Hall, The Zon All Suite Residences
 What to expect?
  • Hi Tea
  • Door Gift
  • Games
  • Wedding talks & discussion
  • Parade of wedding dresses by some famous designer
  • Wedding albums review
  • Booth for wedding stuff and casual stuff
  • Workshop and tips

I'm going there as a vendor! Interested? You can e-mail Diah or Amy for more info ok!

p/s - Aku rasa mesti aku sorang jer yg datang bawak anak nih!

Astro Fest '10
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Last month (ha, amik last month punya citer), I've been invited by Anita to join Astro Fest '10.. ala-ala family day la.. so, tak open for public except for their stuff and families ;)

So, we decided to join them. It's so happening la even tak open for public kan... We really had fun. Thanks to Mommy Anita sebab jemput Qaira... hihihi (sempat Qaira dating dengan with Adzryl ;) )

Layan gambar jela yer..

On the way... dalam keta tgh tunggu Anita di simpang jalan menuju ke Bkt Jalil, Qaira sempat yummy yummy dengan teething biscuit nya ;)

Let's go Mama and Mommy!

Food for FREE everyone! Serius best sbb 'Macam-macam ada'! Name it! Char Keow Teow, Nasi Lemak, Satay and bla bla...

And even chicken wing! Yummylicious!

Mama n Abah nie makan sorang jer.. Qaira pun nak makan jugak ;)

Tak nak biscuits... biscuits, biscuits, biscuits!

Yeah Mama! Home-made food i like!!!!

Sudah kenyang, jom jalan lagi! Serius time nih panas sangat! Cam nak terbakar jer semua..haha... but we're ROCK! Teguh berdiri ketika panas! Hahaha... 

Sila lihat muka sunburn berkilat ketika beads making! I made something for Qaira! It's for free la of course.. anything and everything are free!

taaaddaaa! Handmade by MAMA!

And, try BATIK PAINTING.....

with Anita!

With superheroes yg tak berapa nak heroes dah! Hahaha

Adzryl : Psst..psttt...Qaira!
Qaira : Apa? Nape?
(Cubaan berkenalan secara lebih rapat lagi even selalu jumpa.. hehe)

With feather duster... oppsss.. feather girl...

Mommy Anita yg busy merebeut belon! pilih Knit... pilih!

Muka seorang mommy yg ceria setelah mendapat belon utk anak tersayang!

And, muka seorang Abah yg happy setelah mendapat belon.. juga untuk anak tersayang! 

 Qaira with Raja Lawak! Hahaha.. 

 With Arash, drama's actor!

And last but  not least, Wina with her lovely daughter, Kira and beloved husband... Tak sempat nak jumpa dorang coz i need to go back early... Kalau tak, boleh jumpa kan Wina? It's ok.. maybe next time!

Oh! We didn't stay there sampai malam.. Malam ada concert etc.. Well, we really enjoy that day! Thanks again Anita for the invitation! 

p/s - those pics with 'eFiiNity', credit to Mr.Fadzril (Anita's husband)

Birthday Party - Part 3 Venue
Monday, March 15, 2010

One of the thing yg I still consider for Qaira's birthday party, is VENUE?

I'm still considering either to have it at my MIL's house or any other location yg sesuai. I have found one venue yg buat masa nie mmg jadi pilihan! I was wondering yg nak dtg birthday Qaira nie, mostly same age with her.. karang ada yg dah boleh jalan.. ada yg belum.. so, i need one space for babies sahaja... kat situ bolehlah babies melepak2, meniarap, merangkak and so on.. hehehe.. but still kena consider a lot of things..

 Like this! Bentang satu kain besar and babies boleh main2 kat sini..

Or to have something like this!

 Balls pool for babies!

Mmm, sebab tue I need a space! Still consider to have the party at garden! Dah jumpa 1 taman nie! But, still bincang2 with my team planner and also my husband la of course! hahaha

 I love this type of table settings! Nie for mommies and daddies la! Haha..
Another garden party.. Tak payah khemah kan? But if hujan? Ishh...
Cute lantern! Deco deco deco!
I like! It's multicolor!

Cute eyh.?

Below adalah some suggestion venue for birthday party!

  1.  Your home sweet home
  2.  Kidz Sport
  3.  Restaurant
  4. Party Friends tree House, Damansara
  5. Any garden
  6. Pool

Oh! Just an ideas! I guess mommies semua sangat creative in planning your own birthday party kan? So, carilah tempat yg sesuai and comfortable for guest. Kan?

Those who interested to have your party planner, do e-mail me for quotation ya!

Till now,

8 mths young Qaira Jasmine!
Saturday, March 13, 2010

She's already turn 8 mths on 6th March!

So far Qaira dah expert on;

1- Crawling since 6mths ++. Sekarang adalah sangat laju
2- Meniarap dlm sekelip mata adalah rutin! hahaha
3- Pandai dah pot pet pot pet and ajak sembang. When I talked to her, she's respond very well.
Cth : Bila I cakap, dia tak boleh main on certain tempat, dia akan patah balik and main tempat lain.
4- Duduk without support since 6mths++
5- Panjat-memanjat adalah sesuatu yg mesti dilakukan since7mths
6- Now, berdiri dan pandai lepas tangan for beberapa second.. and duduk balik sbb diri sdiri tak dapat balance badan.
7- Nampak dah tanda-tanda nak start jalan. Tapi takut to make a move!
8- Stranger anxiety dia tuh, dah pulih sikit-sikit. But if dia nampak muka I or Abah dia, dia jerit jugak. If tak nampak, dia ok.
9- Very good behavior masa dalam keta. She's really loves to travel. Takde masalah langsung and duduk dalam car seat paling lama boleh tahan 3 jam. Still good la dr kena pangku all the times kan.. I tak sanggup! Hihihi..
10- Malam mmg sangat jarang bangun for susu. Paling teruk pun sekali jer bangun.
11- She's really love home made food rather than yg lain-lain. Bila I bagi makan yg dalam bottle or tin tue, siap buat 'uweekk'.
12- Hate oats and bananas
13- Love avocado, brown rice, pumpkin, chicken, cheese and salmon, whipped cream sgt2!

Hihihihi.. that's all la for now.. cannot recall things dah sbb nak gi gedix at Sunway ParkCity Manjalara!

New Menus for Qaira
Friday, March 12, 2010

Qaira dah masuk 8 bulan! So, I've already changed some of the recipes yg selalu I bagi Qaira.. Kali nie lagi best! Boleh bermain dengan ayam, ikan salmon etc etc. Those yg nak try, silalah! I bet u supper yummy! Hihihi!
Nama resipi nie I bagi sdiri.. hahaha.. 

Antara bahan-bahan yg digunakan yer puan-puan...

1- Cheesy veggies

Potato, brocoli, pumpkin, Keju Kraft Stick, Onion, Unsalted butter
Amik sikit butter. Masukkan dalam pans and goreng sikit jer onion dengan butter tu. Angkat. Ketepikan.
Then rebus potato, pumpkin and brocoli (potato tue kalau boleh kuantiti banyak sket sbb menggantikan nasi kan?)
Then dah rebus, masukkan  cheese. Masa nak masuk cheese nie agak2 jangan banyak sgt air rebusan tue. Cukuplah untuk nak blend nanti. Then, gaul2 sket sampai cheese cair. Masuk dalam blend, blend skali dengan onion tadi.

(Serius sedap nih and healthy some more)

2- Salmon Fishy

Brown rice, Ikan Salmon, carrot, Onion, Unsalted butter

Amik butter sket, gril iklan salmon tue dengan butter. Angkat.
Butter and onion goreng mcm tadi. (ingat yer..bukan goreng berminyak2.. and mesti unsalted butter.. no salt ok!)
Rebus brown rice and masukkan carrot. Then, dah siap, blend with ikan salmon and onion tadi.

3- Chicken maniac (hehe)

Brown rice or potatoes, chicken breast, carrots, broccoli and Kraft cheese stick, unsalted butter

letak butter dlm pans sket and gril chicken tue. Rebus potatoes or brown rice, carrots and brocolli.
Then masukkan dalam blender and blend potatoes or brown rice, carrots and brocolli together with cheese and blend panas2 ok!

Mmm, nanti sambung lagi...!

Till now,

Nikah Outfit to let go
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hello peeps,

To bride to be or those who interested;

Silalah... Saya nak let go my nikah outfit.

Not for rental ya... To let go then korang alter la sendiri ;)

Nak pakai nikah pun boleh and any event la yg sesuai.. My baju nie pun bukan over sgt pun.. just the simple one with clourful beaded..

Below pic baju yg I nak let go tue:

Designer : Man Kajang
Design : Baju Kurung Moden
Price : RM1,800
Price nak let go : Affordable! E-mail me!

Nanti I bagi skali dengan kasut. But in size 8 ok! Baju nie baru pakai sekali for 3 hours jer during my nikah. Alkisahnya belum sempat nak pakai kali ke-2, pertambahan berat badan telah terjadi.

E-mail me directly for the price


Keow Teow Goreng Terbaekkk~
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hello peeps,

Bersiaran dr rumah due to back pain yg tiba2 menjelma! haisshhh..

Ok, holiday I? heavennnn! no fancy2 things...just lepaks2 and jalans2 with hubby and Qaira! Oh, he gave me a bouquet of flower and jalan2 trips was fully sponsored by him.

Thanks so much dear! I really appreciate it!

I just nak share during my holiday, saya telah menemui Keow Teow Goreng terbaaekkk!!!!! Sgt sedap ok! It's not char keow teow.. sbb selalu mcm basah2 jer kan? This one, terbaekkk.. Betul2 goreng!!! Sedaaappnyaa! Dan nak dapatkan ini sekali lagi adalah mustahil sbb location di Rumah Rehat TAPAH!!!!

Tido tak lena bila pikir ini!

Dekat KL, kat mana Keow Teow Goreng terbaik yg kita boleh dapat? Let's share!

Modeling for Qaira?
Monday, March 8, 2010

We received an offer from one of the model agency asking either we're interested to make Qaira as their model. Maknanya Qaira di offer buat modeling!!!!!

Hhahaa.. I just can't believe it! But, there so much things to consider, kan?

Patut ker? Saya tak berapa suka dunia modelling. 

what do you guys think?

p/s - jauh sudut hati saya, mcm tak jer!

Image : google

We're celebrating our .......
Friday, March 5, 2010


I will hit 28 years old and Qaira will hit 8 mths young tomorrow! 

Hihihi... So, we off to Lumut after Maghrib prayer for holiday!

Pray for us!


Birthday Party - Part 3

What to expect when you've decided birthday cake for your lil one? I mean, for 1st birthday bash!

My suggestion;

1- Go for buttercream cake rather than fondant.
Reason : Fondant cake might look nice. But not very good in taste.But beware! Buttercream is full with sugar kan? Find your own ingredients for the frosting. Cth; whipped cream as a topping!

2- Ingredients of the cake
Reason : Some of baby ada allergic reaction towards certain things on food. So, u might consider the ingredients. Yogurt and whipped cream are the best for the frosting! Try carrot cake or applesauce cake which we know it's really suit for baby. If not, bersedialah if baby cranky after the birthday party akibat sakit perut!

3- Ice-Cream cake anyone?
This is good one yg I boleh pikir! Instead of buttercream, choose ice-cream cake that made from sorbet and frozen youghurt! Baskin Robbinkan banyak.. Haagen Dazs cake perhaps? Might consider this for Qaira's birthday bash! Cause ada yg without sugar or less sugar, isn't it? (hihihi, tak sangka I can think out of the box today!)

4- Make 2 types of cake
Or.... kalau susah sgt. U might choose a healthy cake for baby and large cake with cream and sugar for the guest! Sebab, kalau baby tak comot2 with the cream during their birthday, tak best la! Kan?

Below are the sample of design that you might choose! Cantikkan?

 #1 at the top of the cake! But it's fondant.. You might consider to combine buttercream + fondant cake

Sweet la!

 Small birthday cake for baby and the rest for the guest! Ok kan?

 Underwater theme! Again, it's fondant!

 Another #1 cake!

Aha, I love this! Safe for babies! Kan? No candle! Just a cute alphabet on top of the cake! might consider this also!

p/s - Abah Qaira, please take note on this. Ice-cream cake and no candles for Qaira's 1st birthday bash

Image : Google