Bye Bye Mr.Blogspot!
Friday, January 29, 2010

Dear all,

I'm gonna say bye bye to Mr.Blogspot. I'm not going to write anything anymore here at the moment.

So sorry to all of u.. 

I will miss u a lot... guys!!!!

Till now,


Tak Boleh Tahan Daahhhhh!
Thursday, January 28, 2010

I rasa I memang tak boleh tahan dah! Argggghhhh! Kesabaran I maybe sampai sini jer la! Mcm mana nih! Everytime I nak lupakan pasti tak boleh. Ok fne. Kalau I tak ingat takpe. Tapi kalau I ternampak, jantung terus laje gedebuk gedebak! Hahha.. sabar jer la! I dah malas nak ckp dengan my hasben. I tahu mesti dia tak bagi punya. Paling habis pun dia akan cakap, baik dia beli 2nd hand motor kapcai terus.. boleh bawak Qaira jalan2... Hahah.. Motiifffff?????? Kalau camtu, I pun boleh cakap, baik beli handbag 1... hihi.. tapi takpe.. I tak nak menjawab!

Mama, mama kenapa nih? Asal gedebuk gedebak? Qaira tak faham la.. Yg Qaira faham, geget2 dengan masuk jari dlm mulut... Yummmyyyyy!

My lil Qaira,

Mmm, camna Qaira nak faham. Nie hal org dewasa. Hal mama and abah. Abah yg tak paham2.. Atau sengaja buat tak paham! Sekarang nie Mama mcm org bercinta jer.. Tidur tak lena.. Makan tak lalu (oppss.. makan lalu jer...hihihi). kejap2 rasa resah. Semuanya pasal nihhhhhhh!

























Hihihi... Makk aiii.. kenapalah ada org yg sgt intelligent pegi design stroller mcm nih! Eeeeee.. kehendak utk mendapatkan stroller nie melebihi gadjet2 intelligence dengan designer2 handbag yg tak seberapa tuh! hahaha.. (wah, handbag semua dah tak jadi seberapa gara2 Stokke Xplory nih!)

Dah 2 kali dah I mentioned kat my husband nih! Last sekali i janji tak nak ungkit lagi... Tapi, tapi! merah itu E.V.I.L... sebab tue tak boleh lupa.. maybe kalau Stokke tak buat color Merah, I tak kisah sgt! but, KENAPAKAH?????? Mmmm, lagi kan.. ish ish.. over I nie.. rasa mcm mari mengumpul duit nak beli STOKKE.. heheh.. wajib!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Camna nak hilangkan perasaan sebegini? I bukan kaya raya.. nak keluarkan 3K mcm berkira jer kalau bukan duit sdiri.. (klau duit hasben takpela.. tak rasa rugi sgt... hehehe...) I dah cuba melupakannya... sedaya upaya.....

But........ But.............

Bila I tgk ada jer org pakai (even jarang jumpa org nak pakai nih) hati i terus dup dap dup dap..  hahaha...

Tapi nie versi minah salleh yg pakai la..

So? How? Hihihihi...

Alamatnya, memang kena lupakanlah.. Oh! Qaira, maybe Mama simpan jer wishlist nie utk ur bro or sis ek.. Cian Qaira tak dapat pakai Stokke!

Mama, kita let go jerla Peg perego nie kalau Mama rasa dup dap dup dap.. Qaira pun nak stokkkeee! :)

Agagagaga... GOOD POINT Qaira!

p/s - pasni nak mimpi Stokke!

Qaira's new behaviour - Is it what we called as Separation Anxiety?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Qaira dah nak masuk 7mths next week. Sekarang nie selain sibuk nak crawling, goyang punggung tangan kaki semua tapi tak gerak2, ada satu jer yg I betul2 geram dengan Qaira. I'm not sure either to call it as 'Separation Anxiety' or 'Stranger Anxiety'. But based on my reading, usually most babies will show the anxiety between 6-7mths. Maknanya dalam age Qaira yg sekarang nie la.. OMG! memang tak boleh nak buat apa kalau Qaira mcm nie. When she strikes me, I rasa mcm nak marah! Dia memang tak nak kena tinggal. Dia tak nak duduk sorang2 and the best things is dia tak nak tidur lagi dlm cot dia!!!!!!!!!

Ok, first of all, I cakap it is 'Separation Anxiety' because Qaira akan menjerit and menangis kalau I lalu and biarkan dia mcm tue jer. Dia tak nak dengan org lain except me. The best thing is bila datang 'Manja' dia tue, not even strangers, Abah dia pun dia tak nak! only me!me! Adohai... Kalau mlm, usually I akan tidurkan dia kat atas my bed. then only I transfer her to her cot bila dia dah nyenyak sgt. But guess what? baru 5 minit, dia boleh bangun and jerit2 suruh angkat dia. Then bila I angkat and letak balik kat atas katil we all, tadaaaaa, dengan jayanya Qaira Jasmine terus tido! hahaha.. mcm pretender kan? pandai betul!

How to know if our baby has separation anxiety? You can refer here.

Semua tanda2 yg ada pada Qaira!

Well, masalahnya sekarang, my MIL who now yg babysit Qaira while me n hubby pergi keja, will balik kampung for 1 week. I've already informed my aunty to babysit Qaira while my MIL takde nanti. Masalahnya, muka my aunty yg selalu dia tengok tue (boleh dikatakan once a week my aunty akan dtg jenguk Qaira) pun dia tak nak! Sekarang kalau tgk sesiapa, dia akan jerit mcm org kena pukul tau. Haha.. Clever girl. I nie yg pening tak tahu nak buat mcm mana. Takkanlah I nak cuti seminggu direct mcm tue kan. Sekarang I dah pening kepala mcm mana nak cool down kan Qaira. Dia kalau menangis, sampai tersedu2 tak nak kat org. Which is before, I tak pernah tgk dia nangis mcm tue.

So, I tgh pikir mcm manalah I nak tinggalkan Qaira. Yes, I've already follow the steps given from here, and here. Tapi mcm tak jalan jer. Not even I tinggalkan dia with my aunt tue for 30mins, for 1 day pun dia tetap tak nak kat my aunt!

My heart.. my soul..

So, mcm mana ya? No ideas..

Qaira, please help mama ok! Takkanlah Mama nak cuti seminggu.. ! uwaaaa...

New Poll
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I've create a new poll on you right part. You all undi ok! Hehehe...

How to cope if ur frens keeps comparing her baby to yours?

At 6mths and 3 weeks young Qaira dah develop a lot of things. As a mother, sure la I rasa seronok tgk perkembangan Qaira. As long as Qaira sihat, I'm the most happiest mom la kat dunia nie kan!

I've never fully update about Qaira's milestones. Apa yg Qaira dah developed, I'm happy to keep as a memories. Sebab for me, all babies are different and unique. Ada baby yg perkembangan dia awal and ada yg tak. Semuanya bergantung pada the baby itself. So, I tak kisah langsung if ada some mother nie yg suka banding2kan anak dia dengan Qaira. Why should I bother kan? And to those mom out there, u all pun tak payah risau kalau anak u all lambat sket perkembangan dia dr anak org lain. As long as they are healthy, and masih ikut flow development tue, kira oraitla.. tak payah pikir yg bukan2...

"Nape anak aku lambat jalan ya?"

"Nape anak aku lambat merangkak?"

"Nape anak aku lambat cakap?"

Tak payah nak susahkan hati sendiri fikir mcm2. Sebab, all babies are unique! They are different from each other! Lainlah tiba2 u all discover anak u mcm nie:

"Nape anak aku nangis tak keluar suara?"

Haaaaa... itu mmg u all kena risau la sebab yg nie mmg dah tak normal. Pergi pakar and seek advice! Kan?

Aha, malam tadi I discover new things about Qaira. Malam dia terbangun merengek2, so as usual, I sapu jer Dentinox kat gums dia.. Nanti dia akan tidur balik mcm biasa bila rasa lega. Sekali, bila I nak sapu tue, I rasa gums dia kasar mcm tajam2 sket... Haha.. i dalam tido boleh senyum and tak sabar nak tunggu esok pagi. Then bila I bangun pagi tadi, first thing I tgk Qaira dah ada gigi! Yeay! It is not obvious but nampakla putih2 tue kan. So, I'm happy!

Mm, berbalik pada citer tadi. Sometimes I tak paham mak2 nie. ok, I know as a mom mmg la excited kalau ada perkembangan baru ttg their babies kan. But some yg annoying suka compared their babies with ours kan? mcm rimas eyh!

Pernah tak u all experienced pasal nie? kdg2 sampai sakit telinga nak dengar. Always nak compare anak dia dengan anak kita. Konon mcm bagus sgtlah anak dia develop cepat dr anak kita.. kdg2 I bosan jer nak dengar. Sesetengah org, mesti cuba elak dr org camni. Tapi sampai bila?

If jadi mcm nie kat u all, senang jer. Meh i ajar how to handle this type of person.. hihi

"Anak aku dah pandai merangkak. baru 4 bulan... Anak ko dah 6 bulan kan? Dah merangkak?"

You all jawab, "Eh, cepatnya anak ko merangkak. Anak aku belum. Tapi aku ada baca, kalau baby cepat merangkak belum sampai waktunya, dia ada problem dgn development dia in future.. cepat merangkak.. tapi lambat jalan.., better anak aku lambat merangkak sket"

I bet mesti dia diam. Sebab I pernah bt camni. I tak sure dia diam sbb sakit  hati ker atau percaya dengan apa yg I cakap nie.. hahaha..

"Anak I belum apa2 dah tumbuh gigi...cepatkan? bagus betul. Agaknya sebab dapat kalsium yg secukupnya.. anak ko dah 6 bulan, tak tumbuh gigi lagi?"

You reply, "I baca kalau cepat tumbuh gigi, gigi akan cepat rosak bila umur dia dah 5-6 tahun mcm tue.. so better dia tumbuh lambat..nasib gigi anak I tak tumbuh lagi..."

Hihi.. mesti dia berpikir.. ha la...cepat tumbuh cepatlah rosak.. hahaha

Ada banyak lagi la perkara2 yg menyakitkan hati.. Kdg2 bukan apa.. kalau dia nak cerita anak dia punya perkembangan, fine la.. I tak kisah.. i'm happy to hear that sbb I pun boleh gain experience from her.. Tapi janganlah compare ... try to avoid "Anak ko dah?"

Bencilah... meluat pun ada.. mcm anak dia bagus sgttttt!!!!!!!! Eeeee... tak suka!

So, dr korang nak larikan diri, ha, cakap terus terang mcm malas kan.. try this tactic! Mesti dia diam atau tukat topic lain.. At least u cakap mcm nie, tak nampakla mcm u nak cari pasal dengan dia.. This is what we called as 'makan dalam'.. hehehe..

I've been listed in Cloth Diaper Malaysia.Com

I've received an e-mail this morning from Cloth Diaper stated that my blog have been listed in their website! Hihi.. mcm best jer kena listed2 kat website org! hehe..

It is because, according to them, I'm passionate to blog about CD! hahaha.. Tak sangka ada jugak org noticed about this. And to see the list of Malaysian CD Moms, u can refer here. Actually, i never knew the existence of the website until they approached me thru e-mail. They have many things to share about cloth diapering! So, go and visit them now.

I can't imagine how strong she is...
Monday, January 25, 2010

I've been bloghoping and stop here.

I've been read all of her stories. Until I drop at here.

I cried when I drop here., and here .

I cannot imagine how strong she is.

To Ummi Harris, you're so strong! Al-fatihah to Harris. Amin.

Weekends & Qaira dah berkhatan you all!

Semalam, another blogger gathering organized by Lina at Secret Recipe, Subang Parade. Weee.. we're really had fun together with mommies, babies and daddies.. But, myself tak dapat join lama sbb ada hal lain.. uhuk uhuk.. but, anyway.. thanks to Lina for the invitation..

This is Lina. the organizer.. hik hik... nice to meet u Lina even tak dapat sembang lama pun.. uhuk uhuk.. perhaps next time kita boleh chit chat lama sket.. sbb keadaan Qaira yg tak berapa nak mengizinkan..

mommies and babies.. Lina, Aleesya good girl jer.. angkat dari tido tak nangis pun.. kalau Qaira, jgn haraplah!!! Mesti dah mengamuk! huhuhu

Tgk Kyra and Mia.. mentang2 both of them dah expert in crawling,ha apa lagi... meja pun jadilah... hahaha.. Nia, Qaira, Adzryl, Harriz tukang tgk jer la yer.. Aleesya.. sleeping beauty...

Tgk both of them.. Mia yg bum bum and Kyra yg sweetie.. Oh Siti, muka Mia nie sgt unique ok!

Me and Anita..

I posing sorang2.. hehehe...

Baby talk between Adzryl



baby talk between Qaira



'Husband and wife' talk.. hahahaha

'Men' talk.. jgn marah ha.. just jokinggg... hahaha

Ok, dialog hanya rekaan semata2.. takde kena mengena dengan yg hidup mahupun yg dah takde.. huhuhu..

To Lea, Siti and Lina.. this is the 1st time i jumpa u all.. hope to see u guys again in future.. nak jumpa sgt2.. sbb yesterday tak sempat sembang lama pun!!!!!!! uhuk uhuk..

To Anita, Sue and Hanin, hihi.. u all pun sama.. happy dapat jumpa lagi.. nnt ketemu di lain hari ya! oh ya Anita,, sorry babe.. kita pun tak dpt sembang ttg mission kita tue kan.. ym ok! or kat PD nanti... hehehe...

To my lovely husband, thanks bawak me and Qaira jalan2.. hehehe.. next week gi PD pulak wokeh!

To all of u yg baca nie, Qaira dah berkhatan! Yeay! last Saturday we brought her to Pusat Rawatan Az-zahrah.. on that day, paed takde.. so, doc biasa jer.. but Alhamdulillah, everythings berjalan dengan lancar.. both of us (husband and I), siap nyorok ya.. hahaha.. dua2 pun tak sampai hati nak tgk Qaira... (teruk kan mama dengan Abah Qaira?). Masa tgh sunat tue, Qaira nangis sket jer.. tapi I tetap tak sampai hati tgk dia nangis.. sian anak mama.. Then doc tue ckp "First time parents ya?". ish ish.. nampak sgt nak perli Mama and Abah Qaira.. hahaha.. sorry, no pix.. sbb I dah terlalu risau sampai semua tu pun tak ingat! hahah

But, after sunat tue kan, Qaira ok jer.. siap gelak2 lagi.. balik rumah and pee pee pun tak de apa.. So, Alhamdulillah... ok la.. cuma dia bad mood jer sepanjang Saturday n Sunday tue.. maybe pedih sket2 kot...

Baby Food Tips and Hints
Friday, January 22, 2010

 Just to share this with all mommies!

Homemade Baby Food Tips and Hints - Do's

Do use ice cube trays to freeze puréed foods. Each cube should be about one ounce. Once frozen, pop out the cubes, store in a sealed plastic bag, and use within two months.
Do discard unfinished meals. Bacteria forms quickly.
Do introduce new foods at the rate of one per week, so you can pinpoint any allergies.
Do make sure your child has accepted most vegetables and fruits before trying any meats.
Do steam or microwave vegetables and fruits to retain as much vitamins and minerals as possible, as opposed to boiling.
Do use as thinners: water left from steaming, breast milk, formula, cow's milk, yogurt, broth, or apple juice.
Do use as thickeners: wheat germ, whole-grain cereal, cottage cheese, farmer cheese, cooked egg yolks, yogurt, mashed white or sweet potato.

Homemade Baby Food Tips and Hints - Don'ts

Don't feed nuts, raisins, popcorn, raw vegetables, unpeeled fruits, or peanut butter to children under the age of 2.
Don't give honey to children under the age of one year due to potential contraction of infant botulism.
Don't give beets, spinach, collards or turnip greens to babies under one year of age due to high concentrations of naturally-occurring nitrates which can reduce the baby's hemoglobin.
Don't add salt, sugar, or strong spices to homemade baby foods. If you are using part of the family meal for the infant, remove the infant's portion before seasoning food for the family.
Don't use cookies as a pacifier for a fussy baby.
Don't use canned vegetables as they are usually loaded with sodium and additives. Check labels, but usually frozen vegetables have little or no sodium.
Don't use a microwave to warm foods. Even well-stirred foods could have dangerous hot spots. If you do, use the defrost cycle, checking and stirring often. Always test the temperature by touching a spoonful to the outside of your upper lip. Be sure to wash the spoon before using.
Don't put diluted foods into a bottle with a larger hole in the nipple for night feedings. It's dangerous, bad for the teeth, and doesn't build good eating habits.
Don't give highly acidic fruits, such as oranges, tangerines and pineapples, to babies under one year as the acid is harsh on the immature digestive system.
Don't feed egg whites to babies under one year of age, due to potential allergic reaction. Cooked egg yolks are fine.
Don't forcefeed your child. To begin solids foods, start with one or two spoonfuls and let your baby guide you.
Don't limit your child's fat intake during the first two years. Fats are necessary to development.

Copy paste from here.

Hahaha.. cari apa yg kelakar!
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ok, tgh2 surf sekali terjumpa iklan nie.. Gi tgk and cari, apa yg kelakar! Hahahaha

No harm ok.. nie saje nak gelak2 petang! hehehe...(giler notty kepala Mama Qaira..huhuhu)
Dah jumpa ker belum?

Qaira nak pergi bersunat

I just nak tanya those yg dah ada experienced sunatkan anak dara u all.. Qaira nie I baru rancang nak pergi this week. Ok, honestly I macam seram jer nak hantar dia kan.. I rasa mesti I tak sanggup pun nak pandang!! Hehehehe... Bab2 mcm  nie mmg la I 'ngilu' sket.. aduhaii..

Ok, anak dara u all tue, bila sunat camna reaction dorang after that? Nangis ker? Hape ker? Can u share your experience? Serius, I mmg malasnya nak pegi nie.. Tapi terpaksalah kan.. Sebab tak sampai hati takut Qaira sakit. Tapi nak tak nak kena buat jugaklah. So, let's share kejadian SEBELUM, SEMASA DAN SELEPAS berkhatan! Huhuhu..

Then, u all buat dekat mana? Any suggestion? Please ya.. maybe dgn experience u all, boleh buat nervous I nie hilang (mcm la I yg nak bersunat kan? hahha)

Ok, let's share and really appreciate ur kind comment ok! Thanks!

Fatine Ian Young
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fatine! You're so gojesss sgt!

Too bad your name is Mohamed Fazdil Bin Min Bahari!!!! Hahahha :)

Bink - Tees Designs

Bink-Tees! new idea ok.. really nice. This is what we called as a fashion have function! Hahahaha..

Those baby yg hisap pacifier kan, yg selalu jer jatuh, so nie la consclusion nya.. Hehehe.. tak payah guna pacifier clips dah... pakai baju jer and tadaaa... dah selamat pacifier from drop down kat lantai.. Ada banyak unique n nice design as below:

See? nice kan? Ada butterfly, bee, lady bug and mcm2 lagi!

Cute jer baby pakai mcm nie.. hahaha.. sukanya!

But, as usual, benda pelik nie selalu ada kat overseas jer.. but this one kan, nak buat dia mcm tak susah.. buat sendri pun boleh.. I'm gonna to try soon la kalau rajinla.. hihihi...

More, refer here.

To make a good dish for Qaira, we need a good blender la :-) And of course home-made food!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haha, title tak boleh blah kan? Mesti ada org cakap; "Ala, anak saya pakai lesung batu jer buat porridge, tak kecoh pun?" hihihi.. (ada ek org buat porridge pakai lesung batu..huhuhu)

Ok, last weekend barulah ada kesempatan nak beli blender for Qaira. And guess what? I've found a good blender (at least for me) and the price is much way cheaper than the one that I showed in my previos entry..

And the blender goes to....hihihi





Jeng jeng jeng















A cute mini blender from Philips.

Bila dah jalan2 cari blender, at last we found this. Even pada permulaan nak beli yg Philips Avent tue kan. Which is the one mini blender for buat baby food tue. Last2 tak jadi sebab jumpa yg nie. Blender nie sebenarnya SAMA dengan yg Philips Avent tue. Cumanya bila dah letak nama Avent kat depan tue, the price terus naik. Lets overview the product!

Brand : Philips
Type : Mini blender HR 2860/55
It contains, (220 watt) comes with 400ml mini jar (comel ok), and 2 beakers with lid (so senang nak simpan puree pun)
Price : RM138

And below, the new product from Avent Philips. Actually product nie baru jer masuk Malaysia.. on January 2010! Actually inspired from the mini blender, but blender nie dah di commercial kan menjadi....

Philips AVENT Solid Feeding Starter Set

The size is similar with mini blender.

Brand : Philips AVENT
Type : SCF 860
Contains 6 x VIA cups with lids, 2 x weaning spoon and 1 x recipe booklet (extra items compared to mini blender)
Price : RM199

And the combined steamer and blender, of course la function dia lagi menarik! How does it works?

You put your chopped up food in the steamer, insert water in the water compartment and when the water is all used up the unit will turn itself off.

Then, you flip over the container part of it, insert it back into the base and press just one button to blend it! Senang kan! And yg nie mmglah best... But due to budget constraint, I beli jerla mini blender tue since pakai pun takde la lama mana pun nanti.. hihihi

Price : RM399

So, which one is yours?


Malas nak blend puree? Banyak sgt keja sampai asyik beli baby food yg dalam jar or tin? tahu tak banyak bahan pengawet? That is why, home made is better than beli kat luar kan? tapi kalau dah malas sgt, mmg lah kena beli... I have found solution for our baby! Yeay!

Kalau u all dah malas sgt nak memblend pelbagai, u can drop at 1 restaurant yg menyediakan baby puree food! Interesting kan? Manalah nak jumpa org jual puree baby yg takde bahan pengawet? Plus u all boleh makan sekali kat restaurant tue....

It's from........

Gourmet Goo Babyfood!

Kat mana u all boleh dapat baby food nie?


Sambil u all makan2, boleh order baby food jugak! best kan? Try la!

Image : google

Anak Dara Saya Yg Umurnya sudah 6 bulan & Our weekend!
Monday, January 18, 2010

Anak dara I skrg nie, wah... nakal tak ingat ok! Skrg dia pandai explore mcm2..Yg kita tak pernah ajar pun dia dah tahu buat.. Paling tak boleh tahan, bila org ckp dgn dia, dia buat selamba jer sambil buat mulut tweety dia n menyembur2 semua air liur.. Sabar jerla..

Kalau makan yg tak sedap, dia tutup bibir dia rapat2 make sure apa yg I suap, mmg takkan masuk dlm mulut dia. Kalau termasuk pun, dia kemam then keuarkan balik. Pandainyaaa! Hahah.. Geram ok!

Skrg, dia dah mula naikkan punggung and tangan dia yg dah kuat buat aksi ala2 merangkak. Tapi tak gerak pun. Hanya punggung n tangan tue, berhayun2 jer.. Hahaha... kelakar! Paling pandai, gaya mengesot ke depan n belakang dgn jayanya tanpa ada ragu2. Kiranya 360 darjah boleh pusing n laju pulak tuh! Hahaha..

Sessi kena buli lagi dgn Abah dia..

Elok2 Qaira tgh study dengan Mama, Abah serkup lagi dgn blanket froggie Qaira.. hihihi.. Tapi dia sket pun tak endah and continue study..

Then, skrg perangai baru lagi, tak nak duduk dah dalam car seat dia.. Kalau dia borink, siap angkat2 punggung tergeliat2 badan dia nak bangun dr car seat tue... pandai tau... Then, kalau nak tidur dlm keta, tak mainlah sandar2.. Nak duduk tegak.. Until jadi mcm nie..



















Dah mengantuk sgt nie... tapi bila org suruh sandar, mengamuk! Ok fine.. I biar jer..

Sampai jadi mcm nie. Tidur sambil duduk tanpa mahu bersandar! Notttyyyy sgt2!

And bila org bagi makan, dia rampas sudu tuh pastu geget2... Kalau suap pun sama... geget la sudu tue smpai dia puas hati!

Qaira's 1st outing yg tak mandi! Terpaksa langgar tradisi sbb time nie kat Slim River..attended 1 of our family's wedding... nak tak nak, terpaksalah tak mandi dulu sbb Mama, Abah and all families, tgh lapar nak cari makan.. hihi

And... aha, my husband punya celebration tue, hampeh semua tak jadi except for shopping yg berjaya memuaskan hati semua pihak... hihihi... But, semalam we went to here!

Cuba teka? Thanks Hanin sbb introduce tempat nie.. Food was ok ok jer.. but the surroundings, weee... i like.. we went there together with my family.. for double celebration! Hubby & my youngr bro, Rizuan's for their birthday celebration! Mmm, unfortunately, parking kat atas dah full when we arrived! Guess what? i tolak stroller Qaira sampai tertonggeng2 due to tempat makan yg atas melangit nih! gigih nak pegi jugak!

Uniques baby thingy
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hi peeps,

How weird baby stuff yg u all ada? I bet most mommies mesti suka weird2 thingy.. tapi sejauh mana "PELIK" tue depend on your interest la.. Tapi if terlalu weird sgt pun, ada ke org nak pakai kan? Hihihi.. I've found several items that for me, are really COOL! Kalau senang nak dpt kat KL nie, dah lama I rembat some of the items la.. hihihi... i like :)

Cute kan? The tie-dye baby socks.. cantik.. colourful. Pakai with any colors of baju pun boleh.. Tak payah tukar2.. hihihi

taaaddaaa.. baby costume! comel jer jd caterpillar! Serius, kalau ada kat sini, I grab dulu. Cannot imagine rupa Qaira kalau pakai costume nie.. hahaha.. lagi kalau dia dah boleh merangkak, boleh tgk her butts goyang kiri kanan... poink poink!

"Mamaroo" baby bouncer.. Cool la ..simple n nice. The only bouncer that can move up and down, and side to side.. Also comes with 5 unique motions shown in a LCD display yg senang digunakan!

Unique baby stroller! Invented on 1959 if I'm not mistaken.. Dah tak ingat mana I dapat this pix. Mcm mesin pemotong rumput pun ada jugak. Look very classy! Ala2 lambretta kan?

Tadaaa... cute drying rack! Inspired by grass! Boleh camtu? Very sleek and fashionable.. I like!

Stylish baby carrying! That they called it. Very futuristic, modern look of course! nampak mcm vacuum cleaner.. agaknya the design inspired dr vacuum cleaner la kot.. ada main door kat depan tue utk to put the baby in or take him out. Of course ada ruang udara ok! Nie kalau qaira yg pakai, I guess mmg membazir la beli. Duduk dlm stroller pun dia tak nak, apatah lagi ruang sempit mcm nie.. Hahaha... Oh! Yang bestnya about this carrier, ada auto diaper feature. Bila baby poo poo, it gently flush away baby waste. Senang!

Baby walker! Amacam? dare to use this for your baby? Hahaha... I tak berani wokeh. nanti belum apa2, dah tercucuk! Sape nak jawab?

And.... items yg paling I suka! Kalau ada jual nie, wajib I org pertama yg beli. Self heating baby bottle! Ha, tak payah masak air. Bancuh jer.. hihi.. Able to heat the milk up to 37 degrees in just four minutes! So senangla.. kalau jalan2, tak payah nak risau susu sejuk ker apa ker... Uuu,, sgt teruja!

And another cutie bottles! stainless steel! BPA free, PVC free!

And, last but not least, blink blink pacifier! Qaira kalau pakai nie, kalah artis Hollywood u all! Paris Hilton in making! (but of course with more IQ than her..) hahaha

Source & Images : Here, here, here, here, here, here, here,

Abah, Qaira request nak nie
Thursday, January 14, 2010


Mama kata Abah ajak dia shopping yer this week. Mama punya wish list dah siap dah. Budget pun Abah dah approved. Mentang2 Qaira tak boleh cakap, Abah tak tanya Qaira pun. Nasib Mama ingatkan Qaira tau! Mama dah tolong Qaira dah buat wish list Qaira. Kalau tak approve pun takpe. At least Abah tahu Qaira nak apa. But, some of the things, Mama dah belikan sbb dia kata Abah dah bagi duit shopping dia.. Hihihi.. Best Abah nie. Mama kata thank u!

Mula2 Qaira nak nie :

1- Rumparooz Snaps - Gumball G2 design

Image : here

Abah jgn marah yer.. RM98 utk CD yg boleh tahan lama.. nnt kalau Qaira dah pandai poo poo sdiri, Abah selamat lah! Tak payah beli lagi.

2- Fleece Skirt by Sew Bee It Couture

Image : Here

Qaira nak yg design S2 & s3. Mama kata pakai dengan CD, mmg cun!

3- Evian Brumisateur
Image : Google

Ingat tak nie Abah? Mama kata dulu masa dia sekolah, bila ada tournament atau latihan netball kat sekolah, Mama selalu guna nie.. spray kat muka Mama bila Mama panas! last week kita pegi kenduri panas2 kan, Mama lupa bawak nie. Pastu Mama belikan Qaira nie. Pastu Abah kata teringat Mama masa sekolah dulu.. Bila Mama spray kat Qaira, Qaira suka.. coooollllll.. Thanks Abah!

4- Dentinox Teething Gel
Image : Google

Yeay! Yg nie mama dah applied kat Qaira semalam. Bestnya.. sejuk gum Qaira! Rasa mcm tak nak nangis dah sbb Qaira skrg sakitlah Abah nak tumbuh gigi.. Pegi doctor bukannya dia nak bagi solution. Nasib ada kawan Mama yg introduce kan nie. Best! tapi tanpa Abah, mustahil Qaira nak dapatkan nie. Again, thanks Abah!

5- Personalised t-shirt & romper

Yg nie Mama tgh tempah. Abah tolong bagi Mama $. Mama kata cantik. Hihi.. Tak sabar!


Yg lain2 tue, kiranya bila Abah n Mama tgh jalan2, Abah belikan jerla apa2.. toys ker, baju ker.. Oh! Qaira believe on Mama punya taste. Leave it to her as usual. Mmm, esok birthday Abah kan? 'Happy Birthday Abah!' Qaira wish that I can talk n wish ur birthday. Tapi I'm still baby Abah.. Cannot talk.. Mama said, she's already planned on something. So, Qaira wish both of u had fun tomorrow. Boleh tak Qaira ikut? I promised I will not cry and ruin your moment. Qaira tak nak tinggal dengan Opah... Mmm, tapi Mama said, dia dah lama tak keluar 2 dgn Abah. Mmm, in concusion, Qaira might stay at home la mcm nie.. We'll see tomorrow!

Then, apa lagi ya.. last but not least, Qaira loves both of u! Mama n Abah Qaira. I like being spoiled by Mama n Abah. Buat Qaira rasa happy! yeay! Thanks a lot my lovely parents.

Lots of love,

(via iphone... eh silap.. via Mama thought)